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MarginCalled1 t1_iretef2 wrote

That's ignoring a ridiculous amount of technogical and scientific advancements. 30 years ago I was excited for Duck Hunt and 2d Mario. Exponential is the key word here.


JuggernautNo6974 t1_irezarw wrote

I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but is there not widely available medication that now effectively Rids one of detectable levels of HIV? Meaning, you can live a normal life without it turning into aids?


ben_vito t1_irf0n0k wrote

Pretty much, yes. But you still have to take those pills for the rest of your life. And they can have side effects. And you can't really have a truly normal love life, though many will find a partner accepting of the risks (especially if on meds and viral loads are undetectable).


DaemonTm t1_irg82ky wrote

"And you can't really have a truly normal love life"

maybe if you got no game, i fucked plenty when i was single and was very upfront about my status


ben_vito t1_irhrlk1 wrote

My assumption is it would be harder to find people accepting of it, but I could obviously be wrong about that. Glad it wasn't an issue for you!