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librocubicularist67 t1_irj1qsa wrote

Fuck public transportation. Have you seen the public??

I will not step foot onto mass transit until the US controls the crime/mental illness problem (which will be never). Never again sitting in a metal box that smells like piss with crazy homeless men screaming into void and touching themselves.

Build clean cars and make them mandatory.


Gay_Genius t1_irj2qmx wrote

I don’t live in America…


getdafuq t1_irj8o0n wrote

You probably have much better public transit then


alc4pwned t1_irjb99e wrote

That's not just an American problem, as much as some might like to believe that..


Gay_Genius t1_irjctrt wrote

Yes and the solution to a mental health crisis is obviously making cars mandatory.


alc4pwned t1_irjnzp9 wrote

Don’t think I said anything like that. I just think that there a clearly reasons for some people to prefer cars over public transit even in places that do it well.


tamemadnest t1_irjf2o6 wrote

How delusional are you to think no mental illness exist in your country. Ironically the people that take pot shots at America are those dumber than their perception of America.


MilkshakeBoy78 t1_irjfgie wrote

> How delusional are you to think no mental illness exist in your country.

where did you come up with that conclusion? obviously that aint true and what's obviously true is parts of america are shitholes


tamemadnest t1_irjggqs wrote

Your bad faith rebutal to the comment above.

Yes parts of america are shitholes same as every other country. Your point's mute. Exposes you're just another braindead aMeRiCa bAd npc. Now you're bothered by me calling it out which makes sense for people around your IQ.


MilkshakeBoy78 t1_irjgy1l wrote

it's just a rebutal. how is my rebutal in bath faith?


tamemadnest t1_irjhi8z wrote

Reread my comment. I told you why.


MilkshakeBoy78 t1_irjhtpz wrote

> Yes parts of america are shitholes same as every other country.

this? america shouldnt have so many shitholes for being one of the top countries in the world. the point is not mute and not in bad faith...


tamemadnest t1_irjl3ol wrote

That's such a low level of engagement. That's like saying every country has hospitals so why do people die. Again, people like you that sling americabad as cope/obfuscation for your ignorance/hatred are the problem. Anyone with a good faith engagement doesn't stop at "this is bad, therefore-." They ask "why." When you understand prior obstacles, environmental factors, and local conflicts, you'd never hold the conclusion "this bad, therefore-." All you're doing is misinforming, pushing the normativity of casual america centered hatred. You're unironically bad faith.