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beatthestupidout t1_is4v1i0 wrote

It is, but it requires pumps, heavier engines, etc. to run, and only convert their energy into motive power with around a 30% efficiency compared to the >90% of an electric motor. The batteries are catching up in real terms faster than a simple comparison of densities would suggest.


bl0rq t1_is67xjc wrote

Modern jet engines are closer to 50%. And yes fuel pumps and whatnot have mass too. But so do the supporting things for the electric version. A electric motor about equal to a 787 engine output weighs at least as much. And both it and the battery would need cooling.

> The batteries are catching up in real terms faster than a simple comparison of densities would suggest

They are not. They are dense enough for many things (commuter cars) but not airplanes.