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huzernayme t1_isx47xd wrote

Ok, I see now. The discussion is limited to robots that walk on 4 legs and tracks are not allowed. In that case, you could just scale up the 4 legged thing to allow enough power to carry armor. There are some companies with mech like robots large and powerful enough to carry the wieght. Electronics have been everywhere from underwater to outerspace so I don't think fragility is the issue, we know how to protect them.


RedScud t1_isx5mel wrote

I was quite specifically answering the whole. "Boston dynamics" robot running you over like you can't shoot full metal jackets into it and completely obliterate their electronic insides from a distance. The 4 legged thing from black mirror is even smaller in size so even less armor. That's all, not saying autonomous fighting vehicles as a whole are impossible, just not Terminator now