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drakt12 t1_it8bgvn wrote

Yes I found I can develop new ideas very quickly with lower opportunity cost. Sometimes the AI images will spark a new way of thinking. My own art might look nothing like the AI images but they might inspire me to use certain color combinations. For now it’s more of tool. What the future holds well who knows.


ImACredibleSource t1_it8ogz6 wrote

It's just a tool. People are freaking out the same way they did when photography came out, and that it would kill painting. Or when the record came out, and people thought it was the end of live musicians.

I think art, music, dance, literature, etc. Will be the last things to be automated. It's much easier to displace jobs with a clear logic and rules like medicine, or law than it is for art. And the whole discussion kind of annoys me because nobody seems to acknowledge this.