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t1_itk6kxg wrote

Better use the methane (and convert into an extremely useful agricultural product) than burn it or worse, let it escape into the atmosphere.


t1_itl2rk9 wrote

This isn't an either/or situation. If this catches on we'll just do both.

As a result, the problem is this creates a new demand source that will support and/or drive up prices for methane, encouraging further exploitation both of existing gas wells, reactivation of currently dormant wells, as well as exploration for new gas, right when we should be doing everything we can to reduce our use of petrochemicals.

We're already very good at turning oil into food through the production of ammonia. I'm really not excited by the prospect of finding new reasons to pull sequestered carbon out of the ground, and particularly nat gas given we're incapable of doing so without it leaking (and, between the two options, we are far better off burning methane than releasing it into the atmosphere).