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ChildrenAreOurDoom t1_iu4wlxi wrote

> I suppose it’s better than America where the police turn minorities and marginalized groups into a shooting range for target practice.

More white people are killed in the US by police. They kill everyone.


Kellogg_Serial t1_iu4yhgm wrote

There are more white people than black people by a large margin, black people are disproportionately policed and therefore more likely to be victims of police brutality


everygoodnamehasgone t1_iu772oo wrote

They are more likely to have a run in with police because they statistically commit a disproportionate number of crimes. 13% of the population commit over 50% of the murders, what do you expect the police to do just let an arbitrary number get away with criminality because they're black? Should they police proportionally based on population demographics rather than policing criminals equally?


Failninjaninja t1_iu7q902 wrote

I agree. The people who say they are “disproportionately policed” are ridiculous. Where do they think most crime occurs?

The odds of dying by homicide for black males is 37/100k a year, for the average American it is 6/100k. 6x higher - we also know most crime is same race on race. Like ffs the data is there for people to see.



Kyosw21 t1_iu79qbo wrote

Don’t forget the 2 unjustified unarmed black men being shot in 2019

Vs the 37 unjustified unarmed white men shot in 2019

But that’s just me, realizing that’s roughly the same % of unarmed unjustified of each compared to population


uclm t1_iu87byl wrote

Now ask yourself why that is. If you have been systematically kept down by your own country of course you’re more likely to be driven into crime


mctrials23 t1_iu8cvge wrote

That doesn’t help your policing right now though. You need to fix the root cause but you cannot just ignore the current reality because there is a reason for it.


doctorwhy88 t1_iu8uwf2 wrote

It does, because aggressive policing without addressing the other social problems reinforces those problems.

And, how many of those “crimes” are nonviolent drug crimes? As a follow-up, does locking someone up for those crimes and giving them a criminal record increase or decrease their likelihood to reoffend?


mctrials23 t1_iu8w0ah wrote

Well this is the issue. It’s not that simple. Being soft on drug sellers and users makes a community worse. Ignoring crime because it’s committed by a certain group doesn’t remove that crime. A multi faceted approach is needed but you can’t ignore soft crime as that brings a whole community down and is linked to harder crimes.


doctorwhy88 t1_iu9nn4n wrote

So instead, we’ll increase crime through policing efforts.


Youngsweppy t1_iu8qxyi wrote

Why are these talking points still regurgitated? There are absolute statistical reasons that lead to this reality.

Could underlying/historical reasons lead to some of the circumstances of the disproportionate crime rates between communities? Sure. Does that change the fact that the crime needs to be addressed? Not at all.

Of course a city with 400+ murders a year is going to see more police contact than a city that has fewer than 1 or 2.


doctorwhy88 t1_iu64lic wrote

Can’t say I worry about being shot reaching for my wallet during a traffic stop, and that’s entirely because I have the safe skin color.

Otherwise, I’d have to worry that my kids won’t see me again because I missed a stop sign during a “bad apple’s” watch.


A_Harmless_Fly t1_iu85d7c wrote

Look younger, have a old beater of a car... you won't feel all that safe. Guns sometimes come out when you tell them the window is broken and doesn't go down.

People often overlook how much wealth goes into profiling.


usgrant7977 t1_iu9hy9e wrote

Truth. Be white, and drive a shitty car through a rich neighborhood. See what happens.


LolcatP t1_iu7o6d1 wrote

that's because there's more white people in America