
Failninjaninja t1_iz35k5y wrote

Obviously difficult to know what peak tech will look like but unless our understanding of physics is completely off kilter there are some things that simply can never be overcome. We can’t ever make things faster than light, size a finite limit in terms of how small something can be. Sci Fi has seriously deluded people as to what is actually realistically feasible


Failninjaninja t1_iu9715r wrote

They absolutely aren’t “inherently” more violent. However the culture in many “black neighborhoods” is inherently violent. This is why Nigerian black households have much much much lower crime rates than other black Americans. It is culture not genetics. Having a culture that glorifies violence, never looking soft, that has dim views on snitching and doesn’t put a high value on education and you have a recipe for higher rates of violence, crime and resisting arrest. However when you see some cultural groups (like Nigerians) who do put an emphasis on education and have children in two parent homes you see educational attainment rates higher than whites and crime levels significantly lower.


Failninjaninja t1_iu7q902 wrote

I agree. The people who say they are “disproportionately policed” are ridiculous. Where do they think most crime occurs?

The odds of dying by homicide for black males is 37/100k a year, for the average American it is 6/100k. 6x higher - we also know most crime is same race on race. Like ffs the data is there for people to see.
