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thinkB4WeSpeak t1_iv1nzfx wrote

This explains why right here.

Air Conditioning The Military Costs More Than NASA's Entire Budget

If we invested more into space and science then we'd probably be further with a plan to stop asteroids.


spydersens t1_iv3p7kq wrote

Pragmatically speaking national defense and military threat are of mus=ch more use to anyone than asteroids. Humans are a threat, asteroids are a possible threat.


PandaCommando69 t1_iv2locr wrote

Now that there's a space force, expect more money to be funneled into this area.


IAmAStory t1_iv2xf11 wrote

Indeed. The space force will require ample air conditioning.


drklunk t1_iv44wxu wrote

Funny enough, a giant asteroid could save the US trillions in weapon manufacturing and war efforts


FireWireBestWire t1_iv3bdax wrote

I mean, if you want the military to have computers, they need air conditioning


Jacob_181 t1_iv32yld wrote

Well, if you accomplish very little for 5 decades straight, eventually your budget is going to get cut.


Fastfaxr t1_iv485de wrote

Is going to the moon the only thing you would consider an accomplishment?


Jacob_181 t1_iv4bdii wrote

Pretty much,

People are trying claim telescopes and rovers are some kind of an accomplishment,

FYI, we wouldn't be sending these things into space if we were still sending people more that 250 miles up.


N00B_Skater t1_iv51hmy wrote

lol, the telescopes weve sent have given us much more knowledge than 20 Moon missions or manned landings on Mars could ever have.

They‘re not as flashy but much more useful.


Jacob_181 t1_iv54baq wrote

Funny thing is we could have had both.


N00B_Skater t1_iv5qpi7 wrote

Yes we probably could have, im not even trying to argue that the US budget isnt leaning to far into the Military or that Nasa shouldnt get more.

Im just saying that Telescopes, probes and Rovers are very much accomplishments and they have brought us a wealth of knowledge at a fraction of the cost of actual manned missions.