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Heap_Good_Firewater t1_iwh2ujz wrote

>It really isn’t any different than standard equity ownership and investing,

This is what I am worried about. Crypto is already wildly unequal (over .90 Gini coefficient).

What does the technology add in this case? DAOs seem like they add unnecessary complication and even more inequality. I am sure there are some great niche applications (buying the Declaration of Independence), but I don't see any major killer applications on the horizon.

Seems like we would have some more examples of great use cases by now with all the money chasing this space.


>I don’t think a DAO will imply a cryptocurrency-related company in the near future

>The organization needs to be architected from the start to be equitable and fair to users.

A DAO that is not organized around blockchain or a speculative token sounds a lot like an employee-owned co-op.

If you are proposing a blockchain without a speculative token involved, how would you pay for the storage and compute time?


TheFilterJustLeaves t1_iwh6bry wrote

It’s gonna take time for things to shake out. The tech is still iffy, cultures are immature, practitioners are still learning the ropes, etc. “killer” apps will come in their own time.

You’re welcome to follow me on here if seeing a non-blockchain oriented DAO is of interest to you. I’ll be progressively writing and discussing more on the subject; beginning in a couple weeks. The landing page is available right now, but most information is still private.

I’m currently employed full time by a technology company and once my resignation takes effect I’ll be able to be much more open on the subject.

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