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Z3r0sama2017 t1_ix0yn2v wrote

Thats what the wealthy think too. Throw us on the junk heap and let the useless mouths die off so they can get whatever small bits of resources we had managed to hodl.

For them the momentary feeling of satisfaction looking down on us will be immediately crushed by their insatiable greed.


WEN_QONHIUNG t1_ix1dsar wrote

Getting rid of the folks who consume their products doesn’t sound very intuitive to me…


Z3r0sama2017 t1_ix2s07z wrote

They don't need consumers. They will have the all resources and AI/robotic workers will do the work while they live in paradise.

By getting rid of consumers they remove an unneccessary step. Money is unneccessary if no goods are being exchanged.