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genericdude999 OP t1_ix7yikj wrote

> When looking for donors, the Ridgeways specifically asked the donation center about a category called “special consideration,” meaning it had been hard to find recipients for these embryos, for whatever reason.

> To pick their embryos, they went through a donor database. It did not list the how long embryos have been frozen, but it listed the donors’ characteristics like ethnicity, age, height, weight, genetic and health history, education, occupation, favorite movies and music. With some files, there are photos of the parents and of their children if they have them.

> The Ridgeways assumed those listed with earlier donor numbers had been at the center the longest and tried to narrow their choice to those profiles.

> The embryos were created for an anonymous married couple using in-vitro fertilization. The husband was in his early 50s, and they used a 34-year-old egg donor.


jedibathrobes t1_ix976h2 wrote

Imagine turning 21 and your parents are friggen 75 and are beginning to forget your name


rowinit t1_ix9g8wc wrote

On the one hand, I agree in principle, on the other hand my parents are 75 now and rather than forgetting my name they’re training for a week long bike ride next summer. People age differently.


greyfir1211 t1_ix9vsx8 wrote

This is what a lot of my relatives are like! Only just slowing down in their mid 80s.


TheW83 t1_ixcg25m wrote

That's awesome! My mom is in her 70s and while she only rides a little, she does a ton of yoga and tai chi type of activities. I hope to be as active as she is when I'm that age.