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t1_ixa92pb wrote

ya know what's ironic is these population crunches actually are really good for the working class. That's something that's not talked about very much because it's an awkward subject.


t1_ixaah1s wrote

I mean, it's that or see society destabilize and collapse as the rich non- workers have to cope with not having a working class providing them services.


t1_ixakh9m wrote

I guess the rich hedge their bets on full automatization to ensure continuation of civilization.

We increasingly rolling into post-scarcity society, the only issue is that most of economic benefits are increasingly funneled towards the top, which makes life unaffordable for the most of society.

World economy and welfare needs a rebalance(as in UBI to provide surviveable baseline for a happy consumer), but I do not see it happening before things get really ugly with 30%+ unemployed.


t1_ixcu17h wrote

Private equity can profit handsomely from owning daycares that have a steady stream of government contracts for a vital public function.

It has less opportunity to privatize stay-at-home parenting, though. At least as of now, you can't buy equity or options in a family.