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Amjam14 t1_ixj8b2j wrote

lol just wrong. Typical panels in europe have an energy payback time of 1 year. And a solar roof financially pays off in 8-12 years, potentially less, with 25-30years warranty.


wtfduud t1_ixlbkuy wrote

It should also be pointed out that a solar panel is considered "dead" when its production falls below 80% of its original output. So even though it's "dead" after 25 years, it can still continue to be used long after that.


harrry46 t1_ixjmdpq wrote

On the subject of warrantees, and this applies to ordinary shingles also, in 25 to 30 years, the company that installed them will, in all probability, be out of business.


animaljku t1_ixo598o wrote

If you look at what is required to make a solar panel start to finish, you’d see that the amount of mining, diesel fuel used by mining equipment and transportation of goods…etc. had a way bigger impact on the environment. Solar panels are not recyclable. They leach out harmful chemicals into the soil as they age. They aren’t as bad as lithium batteries but still pretty bad!


Amjam14 t1_ixpxanh wrote

You know, you can look things up. Search for life cycle assessment and read some scientific papers. Plus, they are recyclable (just as Li Ion batteries). Your texts read like generated from some fossil lobby AI.