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Yumewomiteru t1_iy8lhwq wrote

So China should go find some middle eastern country to invade and occupy like the US does?


SatanLifeProTips t1_iy8ms4v wrote

China doesn’t do war on foreign soil. They simply buy their way in.


Yumewomiteru t1_iy97q3n wrote

Which leaves a much better impression on these countries than invading and occupying them.


PacJeans t1_iy99v15 wrote

The US and China are both imperialistic. They are not mutually exclusive, you can call out both.


Yumewomiteru t1_iy9a9rp wrote

Why don't you ask ME and African countries about their views on China vs the west.


seasamgo t1_iy9cwrn wrote

Considering the vastly differing histories of the many people that "ME and Africa countries" incorporates, as well as "the West," you'll really have to narrow it down further for anything remotely accurate.

Regardless, imperialism is generally bad for anyone that isn't part of the country imposing imperialism. Both China and the US are imperialistic and both should be called out for their behavior when they hurt or take advantage of others.


Yumewomiteru t1_iy9defl wrote

Sure, if you put China's investing and building infrastructure in developing nations at the same level as US and NATO's invasions and occupations. But people with braincells would disagree.


seasamgo t1_iy9fxk8 wrote

Nobody was doing that, China isn't only investing, and Western countries aren't only invading/occupying. But a 10 second look at your comment history makes it clear that you're a shill so have a wonderful day.


SatanLifeProTips t1_iy9nd13 wrote

China uses brains and trickery. America uses brawn and strong arm tactics.


PacJeans t1_iy9x9jw wrote

Genuinely braindead comment. Do you call genocide of uyghurs trickery? Is it not a strong arm tactic to threaten Taiwan with invasion every week? You could go on and on. But sure China's clever and just doing business. If that's what you want to call predatory loans and imperialistic exploitation in Africa and Asia.

You also just reinforced what I said. America uses military power for its imperialism and China uses economic exploitation, "trickery" as you call it. But somehow China's imperialism is better? This isn't some utilitarian argument where we have to qualify the suffering each countries policies produce. They both exploit, and if either one can do it more, they will.


SatanLifeProTips t1_iy9y7mv wrote

That’s either going on IN China or in land China considers their own. The comment distinctly referenced foreign soil. Yes Taiwan is a touchy subject and calling that foreign or not is like having the correct answer for abortion or religion in government. I’m going to NOPE on that one.

Go look up China’s Belt and Road initiative. They are loaning poor countries billions for mega projects and pumping up how much it will help their economy. But they use mostly Chinese labour and then when the bills come due and the economic benefit never happened they take the project as their own. Check out the assorted sea ports like in Sri Lanka that China scooped up.

That right there is invasion through trickery, and how China is building foreign bases.


SCWthrowaway1095 t1_iy8vcte wrote

No, they’ll just invade a sovereign country like Tibet and then pretend it was a part of their country the whole time.


Yumewomiteru t1_iy8wuvg wrote

Lol Tibet has been part of China since ancient times, look at maps of the Qing dynasty.


Somebody0184 t1_iy8yy6s wrote

If you count 1720 as ancient. Prior ownership doesn't equate to legitimacy anyway.


Yumewomiteru t1_iy90hbr wrote

So China has more right to Tibet than America has the right to exist, since they controlled Tibet for longer than the US's existence. That I can agree with.


Somebody0184 t1_iy9alab wrote

I didn't mention America, what are you talking about.


Yumewomiteru t1_iy9auvx wrote

I'm just applying your logic consistently to another scenario to show you how idiotic your argument is.


Somebody0184 t1_iybmxuc wrote

Your argument doesn't make sense, you seem to think that prior ownership and the length of time equate to legitimacy, not the will of the people who live there. For example, the people of Taiwan don't want to be part of China, which is what gives their state legitimacy.


Yumewomiteru t1_iybnn9k wrote

Oh please tell me about how the people of Tibet are just dying to lose their support from and access to the second largest economy in the world so they can go back to slaving away under serfdom.


Somebody0184 t1_iy9aytl wrote

Ok I just looked at your post history since I had a sneaking suspicion you were on r/sino and low and behold I was right.


[deleted] t1_iy9tq3o wrote

Just wait until they send their army somewhere in the middle east or Africa because their belt & road workers keep getting killed.


Yumewomiteru t1_iy9w6jg wrote

WDYM China already has security firms tasked with protecting their overseas assets.


Yumewomiteru t1_iy9wxk1 wrote

Yeah just because rare attacks succeeded doesn't mean these firms don't exist.


_baundiesel_ t1_iy8mqv7 wrote

No? They already do that in their own country it seems. Occupations of places with only insurgencies aren't the experience I'm talking about.


Yumewomiteru t1_iy981o7 wrote

>Occupations of places with only insurgencies aren't the experience I'm talking about.

Which is the only experience the US has in recent decades, and judging by Afghanistan they didn't learn much.


_baundiesel_ t1_iy9act3 wrote

Just casually ignoring 2 wars with Iraq. lol


Yumewomiteru t1_iy9ao0v wrote

Yes, the US devastated Iraq and left millions of innocent Iraqis in utter destitution, I'm sure that is something to be proud of.