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JohnnySasaki20 t1_j11666k wrote

That would certainly make developing video games a lot faster and easier. I imagine they could eventually make an AI write the code for the game as well. At some point you wouldn't have to do much of anything except tell the AI what to do.


imthebestnabruh t1_j117wni wrote

Sounds like coding, telling a machine what to do


Cactus_TheThird t1_j11dau5 wrote

More like "prompting", or just knowing which sequence of words to utter to turn your vision into reality


ExternaJudgment t1_j12rc38 wrote

Potejto potato

Same thing. Most idiots are incapable of doing a simple google search. You need same level of intelligence to know what to prompt as to implement it.


NLwino t1_j13iu6e wrote

At some level, this is true. But it will greatly increase the productivity of someone that has the knowledge needed. Someone not using AI will simply not be able to compete on the market anymore.


ExternaJudgment t1_j13n60q wrote

Sure, I've heard this expressed that it will make 10x programmers now 100x programmers.

And as an AI using 10x programmer, I couldn't agree more.

ChatGPT gives me such a boost it is getting ridiculous.


thisdesignup t1_j186y3w wrote

Yep, I'm trying to create a personal assistant. So I'm teaching Davinci 003 how to respond to voice commands and return keywords to trigger python scripts.

I basically feel like I'm programming in plain English. It's easier only because I don't have to know what code to use but I still have to know how the process of teaching. Teaching is not easy.


dc2b18b t1_j11r09g wrote

You’d have to describe your app in such detail that it would be faster just to code it


MeatisOmalley t1_j12di0u wrote

There are already AI coding assitants, they dramatically speed up workflow. You don't describe your entire game in a single prompt, you describe aspects of the game, then the ai writes the code to program that aspect.


dc2b18b t1_j140mhm wrote

“Make me a game. It has these aspects. Also when a user clicks item X and they have an axe in their inventory and greater than 50% health and there are less than 10 people currently playing and one of the other people playing is an elf who is greater than level 5 but less than level 8, the item should trigger Y. Oh but if the elf is at level 9, then scratch all that because the item should then do Z.”

Yeah good luck describing aspects at a high enough level that the AI can make something usable but in enough detail that it’s actually creating the game you want it to create, without causing unintended side effects.


MeatisOmalley t1_j14q6au wrote

You just have no clue what you're talking about.

I can ask the ai, "write a gravity simulation" and it can code it in 1 second, and I could plug it into some aspect of my game. I could ask the ai, "write a performant function that constantly checks for and gives coordinates" and plug that into my minimap UI. It's literally faster than typing. I could also give parts of my own code to the ai, and say "I got (x) error. What's wrong with my code?" And the AI will describe in detail what I did wrong, and provide a solution.

Game development is coded in much smaller pieces than you seem to think.


SnooPuppers1978 t1_j164hcj wrote

Or you could just use an existing library that also takes "1 second".

I think so many examples people bring up are just something that you already can do with few clicks, existing livrary, existing framework, assets, etc.

In reality code is prompts. And you can always abstract code into functions which are like promots.

If prompts are that beneficial to some it sounds like their code has way too much boilerplate.


resdaz t1_j138jaw wrote

Except so brain dead easy that literally anyone can do it within 5 seconds, which while good also makes any video game worth 0 dollars.


bodden3113 t1_j1190bl wrote

That's the dream.


Solid_Rice t1_j11xnkp wrote

why is that the dream?


bodden3113 t1_j1218u7 wrote

Actually, You ever heard of or experienced lucid dreaming? If AI is capable of generation at that level. We would be able to have dream like experiences on demand.

Think about it. When you talk to someone in your dream are you controlling it directly? Or controlling the environment you find yourself in, deliberately, sounds or music you hear? Are controlling each aspect consciously. No your subconscious is, and it's generating the entire phenomenon real-time with or without your input, most of the time your just along for the ride. AI media could potentially get to that level of real-time generation. And it seems it could get there much sooner rather then later by how fast and how good google deep dream and img generation tech got. It's literally a dream come true, LITERALLY?


bodden3113 t1_j11yakc wrote

Cause that's literally by definition what a dream is? 🤨


BillowsB t1_j14gm8h wrote

ChatGPT can write code. Not on the level needed to facilitate full game development but enough to make my starfish pucker.


SorakaWithAids t1_j16y3j9 wrote

yeah frankly i have been using it for snippets and small functions. absolutely incredible.


BlitzBlotz t1_j189jo9 wrote

Making 3D models is super easy and super fast already, the anoying and hard part is making them in a way that doesnt cause glitches, errors or takes a huge toll on the graphic budget of your game.

Currently AI 3D models are pretty basic and have shitty geometry, will take some time til they fixed that. Not saying it doesnt happen but the current version of that AI is more a proof of concept than anything else.