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fastornator t1_j0xi8m9 wrote

It's a fucking stupid idea, Just like engineered asteroids.


mondaymoderate t1_j0xigjm wrote

Don’t ruin my Jetson dream just need to figure out what to do about the acid rain.


fastornator t1_j0xixdg wrote

If you want to be realistic, how about cities floating upon evacuated glass spheres in the earth atmosphere. That's a much more practical idea.


frankduxvandamme t1_j108i9n wrote

It's a stupid idea for a possible colony. But as a research outpost for a small group of astronauts, it's an outstanding idea.


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j11aq6e wrote

Yeah, like what's wrong with starting with the moon? Send drones or whatever to hollow out huge caves, or find existing ones, build airlocks. Establish a forward colony. 3d printing tech is solving a lot of issues.

Gravity would be an issue but I'm sure something could be figured out.