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Financial_Bicycle805 t1_j1ms91v wrote

It seems like this is prime for disruption. Surely some start up could come along and start offering it at half the cost of less by cutting out the middle men.


Raeandray t1_j1mxkcg wrote

So my wife works in the industry which is why I’m somewhat familiar with it. They’ve found lending companies willing to use a more traditional apr approach based on credit, but finding salesman is the hard part. Why would they take less with some new company when they can earn so much more with virtually any dealer?


OJwasJustified t1_j1n028i wrote

Why is a salesman necessary? Why can’t a website be built direct to consumer sales. Can’t wait till all car salesmen jobs are obsolete and I can order directly from GM.Com


inannaofthedarkness t1_j1p4ro5 wrote

Maybe give them some other incentive…stock? benefits? amazing PTO? free childcare?