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stewartm0205 t1_j211amu wrote

It sounds like a plausible idea. Someone should try it out. But know that there is no such thing as a free lunch. The process will take energy but not creating brine might make it worthwhile.


informativebitching t1_j213d23 wrote

Sure but all we’re trying to do is use less than reverse osmosis. I’m guessing it could be made more efficient by pumping so colder deep water up around the enclosure (like how those disappearing toy baby bottles work kind of) like how wastewater solids digestion is goosed by adding the FOGs captured at grease traps.


3_layers_deep t1_j222t9f wrote

As an engineer, the project sounds insane. That is a massive structure to stick over of the ocean, and ocean water is highly corrosive so its going to take a ton of maintenance.


FalloutNano t1_j21q5am wrote

Vapor capture is already used in parts of northern Africa.