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S-Vagus t1_j1h9q9y wrote

I would say that games are an exercise in player patience interacting with a dynamic storytelling structure and friendly system. Why a player chooses to perform an action/interaction has to be as accessible as possible and can only be made accessible through the game ruleset and mechanics. Why and how the future continues to unpack the value of sharing an experience through imaginative worlds, relatable characters, all through the mechanics of accessibility, experimentation, and exploration, rather depends on our ability to be patient with each other as people first.


A game is, at heart, purely an intelligent mind that has identified rules that enable a positive experience for a given region/event/scenario/narrative. How effectively those rules are communicated and how 'fun' playing by those rules are, is the exercise for the content creators.


How one promotes worthy game content and worthy gaming experiences before weaving all those components together... kind of becomes a marketing/advertising concern. Ultimately though as long as humans continue to be positive experience enablers then the future is bright af.