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BroodPlatypus t1_j1f736k wrote

Personalized medicine. Take a reading of my blood and whatever else and put together a cocktail of drugs, vitamins, and supplements that will make me feel as balanced and healthy as possible.


stumpdawg t1_j1f75tl wrote

A plug in the back of my head would be pretty sweet.


didjeffects t1_j1f7i1f wrote

Better battery, cheaper/lighter/denser would change the world.


[deleted] t1_j1f7l38 wrote

Working healthcare.

An economy that makes sense.

Non fucked housing situation.

Take your pick.


MuchoGrandeRandy t1_j1f7lh2 wrote

AI to sort garbage out of the landfills to use as a renewable resource.

Systems to deter hoarding of wealth above 1B USD.


jetgrind t1_j1f7v1o wrote

Unlimited energy. We can solve a lot of other problems with this


BobbSaccamano t1_j1f88f0 wrote

Efficient carbon capture technology to reverse global warming.


joshuaklinger t1_j1f89je wrote

Lossless transfer of consciousness from a live brain to a synthetic, immortal one.


deruvoo t1_j1f8f05 wrote

Plant based meat substitute that tastes exactly like the real thing.


MajestyJ t1_j1f8qvi wrote

Way more trains connected around the US. Not really a plane guy & car driving takes a toll.


Stinkydadman t1_j1f8ufw wrote

Bacta, no matter what’s wrong you get dipped in a bacta tank and it’s all better


JFB187 t1_j1f91qw wrote


Or the ability to warm my car instantly in the winter. Whichever is easier, I guess.


onlyspeaksinhashtag t1_j1f92k4 wrote

A way to filter out all the grade school level questions and theories people keep posting in this sub.


mdenglish t1_j1f93wb wrote

More successful fusion would solve everything, so the experts say.


Super_flywhiteguy t1_j1f94s3 wrote

Bitcoin as the world's currency. No more central banks, no more Fiat being printed by governments for unlimited spending for bullshit it's citizens never asked for ( 20+ year war/occupation of other nations ). Fusion power is a close second.


RufussSewell t1_j1f985w wrote

Immortality for all.

You must trade your fertility for it though.


alexisvictoriah t1_j1f9ax8 wrote

Something that ensures your health better than the Healthcare we have now.


oneslowsloth t1_j1f9f67 wrote

Teleportation. I want to have lunch in Japan and get back within an hour.


Quinthyll t1_j1f9nda wrote

Working, affordable to build nuclear fusion. We've just had the first case of getting more energy out of a fusion reaction than the amount of needed to create it, and that's major.

The next step is for that to be repeated. Then the costs brought down. Because once we can start to harness fusion reactions the energy needs of the entire world are solved.


cristorocker t1_j1f9utu wrote

Fusion energy. It would solve a host of imminent and chronic problems.


Human_Activity5528 t1_j1f9whw wrote

Bring back supersonic airplanes like the Concorde and make them free.


AdorableBackground83 t1_j1fa0iw wrote

A resource based economy as advocated by the Zeitgeist Movement and Venus Project

  • a system that actually takes care of human needs in the most optimized ways.

  • a system that is based around the intelligent management, distribution and production of Earths naturally scarce resources.

  • a system that respects and doesn’t damage our ecology and environment all for monetary gain.

  • a system that enables the highest standard of living for every person on the planet 8 billion and beyond.

I could talk for days but if we had this system implemented (especially on a global scale) then we can see more innovation than ever before without any government interference or financial deprivation.


Sapang t1_j1fa0qi wrote

Automatic Shampoo Heater or Self-Heating Shampoo.

It is always cold when you apply it


PM_ur_Rump t1_j1fa8nf wrote

If consciousness is just electromagnetic signals, there is no real reason it couldn't exist purely as such. Who needs ftl, or even a vessel, be it a body, a computer, or craft, if you can simply exist as a waveform radiating across the universe?


-Firestar- t1_j1fafhb wrote

Video game food.

Oh, here's a thousand year old tomb. Perfectly good cheese and wheat inside. Would go miles for feeding the world's population. Stocking up on food with no expiration date.


kickbutt_city t1_j1fafnj wrote

A transition from capitalism to either degrowth or socialism.


bernasconi1976 t1_j1fak1j wrote

Affordable self driving car. A legit one that works where you get in and say your destination and boom you’re off


FlatulentWallaby t1_j1fanxg wrote

Fusion. Clean energy for all would solve most of our problems.


JosceOfGloucester t1_j1faswf wrote

A way for lay people to create super transmissible and deadly viruses.


Essersmith t1_j1fau5r wrote

Had you asked me 10 years ago id have said fuck yes. As a parent to a 2 year old.. yeah no thanks to immortality. The love my kid gives me is impossible to describe. 10 years ago I wouldn't have understood. Shit. 2 years ago I wouldn't have understood.


salsation t1_j1fax5f wrote

Cold fusion real soon please?!

Of course there will be negative consequences we can't see now, but let's make burning fossil fuels seem as ridiculous as burning whale oil.


TeddieSnow t1_j1fb3mr wrote

Unfortunately it would have to be a myriad of similar innovations --

  1. Insanely inexpensive ocean water desalination and purification
  2. Crazy cheap home water recycling
  3. National reasonably priced irrigation systems for #1
  4. A way to send areas with too much water over to those who need it

We'll have the emissions thing solved in a reasonable amount of time. We'll have ample power for almost anything. But what good is all that without water?


DirtGuy t1_j1fb5bs wrote

Self driving cars. I don’t mind driving, but the amount of morons who think they can drive/text/eat a sandwich at the same time astound me.

Source: I drive a pickup through New York City and the boroughs daily. Lots of stupid on the road


Thoguth t1_j1fbb9m wrote

A method to substantially increase the amount of voluntary interpersonal charity in the world.


meltman t1_j1fbe73 wrote

regeneration of lost limbs.
cures for autoimmune disorders


Zombie-dodo t1_j1fbh8s wrote

Bitcoin is a terrible, terrible substitute for currency.

The lag, the volatility, the inbuilt deflation, the permanence of loss, the wasted energy.

If it was really such a great currency, people wouldn't be hoarding it, but spending it.

It's not even a great collectible.


HumanGomJabbar t1_j1fbtms wrote

Instant cure for depression and other mental illnesses


djdefenda t1_j1fbuwc wrote

A siri assistant combined with AI that actually works


Koorsboom t1_j1fbvdn wrote

Graphene. Light as air, and stronger than steel. You can build anything with it, buildings, ships, roads that last forever, large bubble domes that can cover greenspaces, there are almost no limits. With large amounts of the material who knows what changes would be possible with energy or computing.


Thoguth t1_j1fbx01 wrote

> Lab grown meat that has real animal protein would be way better as there can be hormonal issues with eating only soy and wheat protein.

I don't understand the confidence in lab-grown meat as a fix for the dietary needs of the future.

Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems like there would be substantial energy and water needs just to provide the precursor nutrients to turn into lab-grown meat -- kinda the same way we already have that problem with actual meat -- plus it would be an industrial process, complete with industrial demands and centralized ownership of productive capital and all the exploitation and abuse that the rest of the industrialized food chain has.

Seems like a better solution might just be -- raise some chickens. They eat bugs and weeds, lay eggs, and poop fertilizer. It's work, but it's right there.


DouViction t1_j1fbx53 wrote

Conscience upload. If we have this, every other problem would become either much less important up to being obsolete, or people who can actually solve these problems would have much more time.


politedebate t1_j1fbz2k wrote

Anything to disprove the concept of a "creator" once and for all. We keep getting so close.


0RGASMIK t1_j1fc1n4 wrote

For me the idea of having a kid is like playing Russian roulette. Mental health/health issues I wouldn’t want to pass down. Maybe having a kid will change my life perspective but will I have to see my child struggle with it later in life? Also I barely have enough money to take care of myself let alone have a kid. I’d rather be immortal and have time to acquire wealth then adopt.


Thoguth t1_j1fc4hu wrote

They aren't that great at doing it at the point of production.

Wouldn't it be awesome to have a tree-like thing that just turned the output of a car or power plant into ... I dunno, construction materials or something, without any extra CO2 going anywhere else?


mathematicalrock t1_j1fc7gq wrote

Selective memory deletion like in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


GhostcloneX t1_j1fckzr wrote

Room temperature super conductors. No line loss, all the power that is generated would go from plant to your outlet no loss. We could have a wind getting.power to where there is no wind and solar to where it's cloudy.


SamohtGnir t1_j1fcldy wrote

Any technology? The matter replicators from Star Trek. Would let us literally do anything.


redzeusky t1_j1fctpv wrote

Fusion energy of geo thermal anywhere such as that being developed by Quaise.


InnocentiusLacrimosa t1_j1fcu9f wrote

Benevolent AGI. It could help us solve all kinds of problems due to the sheer scalability of it.


ReturnedAndReported t1_j1fcvhv wrote

Hi, Practical_Put_3892. Thanks for contributing. However, your submission was removed from /r/Futurology.

> > What I’m innovation would you have right now if you could have any innovation possible?

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We want this submission statement to elaborate on the topic being posted and suggest how it might be discussed in relation to the future.

Refer to the subreddit rules, the transparency wiki, or the domain blacklist for more information.

[Message the Mods]( regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Practical_Put_3892&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this submission if you feel this was in error.


ostentragious t1_j1fcvmi wrote

I want a universal basic income robots to take all of our jobs and then I can just focus on the stuff I am actually interested in.


idistaken t1_j1fd0wa wrote

Teleporting, especially if it was possible to run with energy generated by renewables.

It would solve most if not all of the world's problems, human or otherwise.

- fossil fuel consumption would be almost null, thus a good deal of the air pollution would be gone, and the destruction of specific areas where fuel is gathered from would stop

- there would be no wars fought over said fuel

- no wars fought over water

- people in places where food is grown could receive fair pay for their work, since there would be virtually no middlemen between themselves and their final customer, plus no giant expenses due to transportation (this would apply to most products, really, not just food)

- food waste could decrease almost to zero since we would not produce more than we need to compensate the loss of a product due to short shelf life

- both fauna and flora would thrive and ecosystems would be rebalanced, since humans would not need to invade more wild territories to build roads, railways or crop fields

- family and friendship ties could become stronger, communities could become more personal and people would return to seeing their fellow human as an individual, not a number

- and other stuff I'm sure more people would point out and that I'm not thinking about right now...


ricardoflair t1_j1fd5ei wrote

A more accurate method of figuring out contact prescriptions. Why are we still relying on me, the patient, to pick between Image 1 and Image 2 (that look exactly the same) to determine what prescription I need?


Aurelia516 t1_j1fd5y5 wrote

A brain chip that could fix the left side of my brain so I can hear out of my left ear again.


bipolarbear326 t1_j1fd8ey wrote

The ability to transfer my consciousness or brain to a new body.


Quinthyll t1_j1fdflr wrote

I expect to see wide scale implementation within 10 years honestly. Now that we've gone from proof of concept, to actually producing more energy than it takes to create the reaction the next real hurdle is the cost of creating the initial energy burst. But now that we can create the energy, there's going to be a race to market, because the first to start selling fusion reactor power plants.... they're only gonna be mega rich.


mikeBE11 t1_j1fdjsr wrote

Mind reading, a practical no question of what people are thinking or have done in the past. The amount of lying, blatant corruption and false leaders would essentially disappear or at least be brought to light. All courts and criminal investigations would be drastically decreased to crimes that had no intention and those that are fully guilty. The only way this tech could work is if there was no question in the results of the mind reading sadly, no percentages, no likelihood, just binary yes or no results of what individuals have don.e


bachleder t1_j1fdu5m wrote

Hemp captures more carbon (aids in drawdown) than trees do. Plus, hemp performs better when compared to trees in bioremediation of the soil.

Using hemp into OSB or hempcrete further commits to drawdown as alternatives to current products that wouldn’t otherwise test as well on an ecologically friendly level. Especially for how widely we use wood, plastic, formaldehyde, and petrochemicals in construction hemp offers us a far more superior product in build and preventing off gassing down the road.


thehoagieboy t1_j1fenb1 wrote

Ignoring my "30 years away" jokey comment, I really don't see 10 years as being anywhere near reasonable. I think an optimistic number might be 20 and I don't think that will be wide scale, but rather an operating facility supplying power to a small local area.


Max_vrlec t1_j1fg187 wrote

We're going to build whatever makes the most sense, so probably both. Plus invest in researching next generation energy production eventually. Whatever is beyond fusion. That's the goal anyways.


Jaularik t1_j1fg72z wrote

Impossible, but man I really want it idea: teleporters. Think Star Trek transporters. To be able to magically disappear and reappear in seconds across any distance, no more driving, commuting.

Possible, will be here eventually but I want it now idea: self-driving cars. Not the novelty things we have now, I mean 100%, I can read a book or take a nap self-driving cars. I don't want to have to fight to stay awake while driving or lose time I could be doing something I want to do because I have to drive again.


Max_vrlec t1_j1fip3e wrote

Well, here's a thought experiment: If an asteroid was headed towards Earth and we had to create a working fusion reactor in order to survive as a species... How long would it take?

If the idea of plentiful energy is popularized, and if the Creation Corps starts building power plants all over the place, the amount of resources going into the development of fusion technology will increase dramatically. Who knows, maybe we'll inspire a whole generation of nuclear engineers and physicists.


LouSanous t1_j1fj6bp wrote

That's not entirely true. While old large trees represent significant stores of carbon, forests that are early in their maturity absorb more carbon from the air. As they get older, they reach a steady state where the decomposition of old material reaches relative parity with the atmospheric absorption for new material.


BrunkDartender t1_j1fkw5b wrote

Some type of mandatory watermark for AI deepfake/art/writing/technology that is hard coded into the finished product. This way there would be absolutely no doubt when we see AI creations as to where they came from.


thehoagieboy t1_j1fon5s wrote

My answer? 5 years. If we did a Manhattan Project for it and cost was no object? 5 years. The issue here is red tape, underhanded politics from petroleum companies that stand to lose money, politicians not wanting to fund it, cooperation from multiple countries that make the politics even worse, etc.


mzincali t1_j1foyf0 wrote

Quantum entanglement communications would be incredibly useful.


chopanus t1_j1fq4z6 wrote

Extradimensional spaces like marry poppins bag or harry Potter tents.


deinterest t1_j1h4ff2 wrote

If we want to reverse global warming we will have to plant trees and manage these forests. And that is not easy.

Some data:

The mean survival rate computed on a sample of agroforestry private trees was 51% while on public trees it was 30%. In woodlots and forest plantations, private trees survived at 65% while the public ones survived at 40%.

On average, about half of trees planted in tropical and sub-tropical forest restoration efforts do not survive more than five years.

Tropical rain forests at some point can no longer sustain themselves either. It's delicate.