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Guiver5000 t1_j1y09am wrote

I mean people are dying, the eu has people struggling to hear their homes. But hey wind and solar that will NEVER supply what we need saw a boost. Seriously? Look. I am all far renewables but nothing we currently have is the answer… it’s just not. Currently nuclear and eventually and hopefully fusion will solve our problems. In the short term people are struggling, suffering and dying. So knock it off.


Sea_Cup_5510 t1_j1y0whq wrote

Technology is not there yet, they never really pushed or showed any effort in doing so. Now they realize that they need to push that Technology and maybe and hopefully find a way to do so efficiently and cheap.


White_Ranger33 t1_j1y2tlp wrote

Not possible at scale without Russian raw materials.


Sea_Cup_5510 t1_j1y2yw2 wrote

The Russians aren't the only ones with materials. But they definitely have cheaper ones. Anything is possible if it makes them enough money lol


shapu t1_j1y24dq wrote

It is possible for both points to be true.


MeteorOnMars t1_j1ybom0 wrote

Nuclear (fission or fusion) will never scale much beyond what they currently supply. They as inefficient with regards to water usage and have strong water-requirements with regard to access and temperature. With increasing global temperature and water scarcity, these pressures against nuclear are going to keep it down.

Edit: I mean fractionally supply. They might increase moderately in absolute supply.


JefferyTheQuaxly t1_j1zl1fl wrote

actually recent years are proving that we can actually entirely supply our planet using wind hydrothermal and solar energy. literally several nations this year had days or weeks where 100% of their energy was being supplied by renewables. China is desperate to become energy independent and in 2023 are set to build more solar panels than the entire rest of the world has in the last 10 years combined. they are doing that because they themselves believe that renewable energy can supply a huge chunk of their energy needs, and theyre literally supplying the world with like a quarter of all goods made annually. they believe they can become energy independent with solar panels still despite their massive industry.

another example, if the united states wanted to just a small 50km piece of land in nevada filled with solar panels could probably supply the entire united states with energy.


stupendousman t1_j20dqk2 wrote

> actually recent years are proving that we can actually entirely supply our planet using wind hydrothermal and solar energy.

Actually no.


drquaithe t1_j1z2825 wrote

Why the downvotes? Guiver5000 is correct, Europe needs its nuclear energy capacity in order to be significantly more independent of gas imports in the short term. Germany closing down fission stations and using gas instead is indefensible.


freemyslobs1337 t1_j20b9cc wrote

Europe is not struggling that much to heat their homes, lol.

You realize that there are like 3 countries that drop to deadly temperatures in Europe? And that houses are usually well insulated to keep heat in?