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user_dan t1_j1mvyk6 wrote

>Without a microprocessor supply chain all of Xi’s galactic ambitions are in lockdown.

To the extent that this is even an issue, it is a temporary one. China's space ambitions is over the next couple of decades.

>Even with it, communism is going to hold him back too much.

I get that people get confused by "communist" in the single party's name, but China is a state capitalist dictatorship. Not much in the economy or government resembles communism.

>Governance by decree is a pretty terrible way to run a space program.

The space program is not going to fund, form and come up with goals on it's own. Government has to be directing it.

>If you put one person loyal to the party in charge on the moon or mars and then have to wait for the party to make decisions with the lag/delay of asking for permission from xi it will inevitably turn into a problem.

You don't know how the Chinese government operates. You also don't know how the US and other space programs operate.

>Life comes at you fast. It comes at your exponentially faster in space.

The Chinese plan is over several decades. SpaceX took 20 years to get to where it is at. In human timescales, space exploration is really slow. Nothing "exponentially fast" about it.

>I’m relatively certain Covid...

Yeah, covid has nothing to do with the Chinese space program.

>The world is at a precipice of revolution.

Because China did a space program update? I need to get my "Alien Lives Matter" and "No Chinese in Space" protest signs ready.

Space exploration tech is ubiquitous enough that China will be able to make some progress. The reality is China lies about their GDP and economy. If the past has taught us anything, China probably does not have the money to fund the space ambitions they just announced.