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wagner56 t1_j22nqzw wrote

>While the results don’t reveal anything new about lithium-ion batteries, they demonstrate how more powerful quantum computers could be used to accurately simulate complex chemical reactions in the future.

So Ford didnt use ... to find ... ???????

More it being plans for future attempts at progress.


ffigeman t1_j24kl0j wrote

Used it, didn't succeed


byerss t1_j24prkg wrote

“Used to find” implies that something was found.

If someone said “I used an AirTag to find my dog” you would assume the dog was found, otherwise you didn’t find it. You searched for it.


ffigeman t1_j24qvkm wrote

You're right it sounded funnier in my head.


peteythefool t1_j24fvc3 wrote

So this means invented FTL travel that one time I emptied half a lighter into a water bottle with a little hole in the cap and light it on fire and the bottle flew across the table like a rocket and hit one of my mates in the face?

Cuz that's exactly what I was trying to do, so someone owes me a Nobel Prize!
