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anengineerandacat t1_j1xfr5q wrote

Honestly, space is already uninhabitable and I don't envision any breakthrough in that department within the millennia.

Whatever pollution generating activities we can move off-world; the better.

Accidental noxious gas leak? Vent it.

Toxic liquids? Collect, move, ignore & mark, or jettison it.

No life other than the humans and they already are in basically the best hazmat suit money can buy.

The work will be harder, and the costs significantly higher but if the raw material is dense enough and the logistics are solved it's really the best place to mine.


Kryosite t1_j1yez83 wrote

You can't just jettison everything in Earth orbit, unless you want to get trash rings that make life difficult


AllGodsRTricksters t1_j209ezk wrote

The sun is the best trash disposal in the system, just have to nudge things in it's direction


Kryosite t1_j20htl2 wrote

Yeah, but you need to make everyone nudge it, or we're in for a bad time


grundar t1_j22p3cc wrote

> The sun is the best trash disposal in the system, just have to nudge things in it's direction

No, interestingly.

Anything that hasn't fallen into the sun yet is in a relatively stable orbit around it, meaning pushing it into the sun would require cancelling out most of that orbital velocity, or about 20-30km/s of delta-v.

Getting anything to fall into the sun is actually really hard.