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eatingkiwirightnow t1_j66vvds wrote

It's funny how I used to think AI would replace manual jobs first, because they are the "brain-dead" job that most people can do and learn quickly. I am very wrong.

It seems like "brain-dead" job like flipping burgers and doing plumbing/construction/mechanic require so complex neural network that is the biological brain that it is extremely hard to replicate in AI/robotics.

On the other hand, accumulating knowledge and spitting it back out is now technically easier and computers can accumulate so much more knowledge and so much faster than a human brain could.

Like calculators made math easy, AI is going to make processing/storing/searching knowledge easy. Like asking a calculator to add 1+1, I could see myself asking AI to find information for me more comprehensively than a Google Search where I have to filter and process the search results.