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empleat t1_j5zskf6 wrote

That is very ecological LOL, also did you know that bikes release like 60% of CO2 as car, because also you breathe more rapidly and energy you have to replace and to make food a lot of CO2 is released... Bikes are overrated, but because eco fanatics...


Environmental-Bug934 t1_j610u6f wrote

Hahaha you are a joke.


empleat t1_j632uu2 wrote

No really just look it up, god all ppl are today so sensitive, you can't even look numbers yourself, it take you couple minutes... I am not against bikes BTW, ppl make them just overrated and go overboard with green fanatism, but bikes are good still ofc. I don't think someone like you could understand that tho :/ But to be fair it sounded like I shit on bikes for no reason, i can grant that...