Submitted by blekautaw t3_119ifyy in Futurology

First of all, I'd like to preface that this is a discussion about the company YouTube, not the application. With that out of the way, Suzan has always been the CEO of YouTube, while its current CEO Neal Mohan functioned as the chief product officer. He was a big advocate of NFTs and that grinded a lot of users’ gears. Thankfully, Suzan shot that decision down and the idea never came to fruition. Now that she stepped down and he took over the CEO position, there may be very little standing in his way. With his vocal support for hyped up technologies, what do you think the future of YouTube is going to look like?



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yolt92091 t1_j9n7ymn wrote

All I know is that YouTube sucks and I wish it was 2010-2015 again. I feel like it sucks you into a maze of unproductive behavior in an effort to be like tik tok and make money. So tired of it


kidmerc t1_j9q2ia1 wrote

Shorts are garbage and they are ruining the platform. My subscription feed is starting to get overwhelmed by them. Hard to blame the content creators as they are pushed to make them, but God damn I hate it.

I can only imagine this kind of thing is going to get much much worse


chadhindsley t1_j9q82hj wrote

And watching the same f****** Uber Eats and tiktok ads over and over. 10 minute video? Here's a bunch of ads. 12 second video? Be sure to have an ad before and after

And for god sakes bring back the damn unlike button. We all know they got rid of it to shield corporations and politicians


Outrageous-Onion1991 t1_j9mo4if wrote

A lot of content creators have had to go back and delete massive amounts of their old videos because new rules they dumped on without warning. The next round will probably ban any content that correlates with firearms or even airsoft content. It sounds trivial now, but censorship doesn't happen in one fell swoop, it's chipped away like it is now. So they will inevitably need a new platform that is global and secure


Lanky-Beyond-6767 t1_j9ofqh4 wrote

Holy shit I can't believe you haven't been kicked off of reddit for this opinion! lol


chadhindsley t1_j9q8dpg wrote

And yet I see tons of videos of women rubbing their full nude breasts in an obvious sexual manner but it's allowed just as long as it's titled as some sort of 'instructional' milking techniques...

They better not ban hickok45... Guy is the sweetest old man who just has a joyous hobby and shouldn't be banned just because he's educating people on firearms and their history


Strellaxj t1_j9mblma wrote

I can’t say what it will look like, but I can shed some light at the technology itself. While NFTs are a part of decentralized technologies, it’s by no means the main one. Much of the community was unanimous with regard to how silly they are (at least the ones that were hyped up like crazy). For example, he could add on-chain donations or member subscriptions. He could add decentralized comments or something better than I can come up with right now. I used to look down at decentralized technology, until I switched to Qamon. I’m a huge advocate of decentralized tech (I think they have a big spot in our future) and that alone helps me see Neal Mohan in a much more optimistic light, even though he tends to buy into hype a bit too much.

One other thing he can do is accept currencies other than fiat for subscriptions or memberships. A business should never say no to money, so supporting more payment methods couldn't be a bad thing. It's a sure way to increase revenue.


OpusChao t1_j9no2k3 wrote

There is no such thing as currency that's not fiat anymore, unless you suggest we start trading in gold and silver. Non-fiat currency hasn't been a thing since we dropped the gold standard in 1971. The entire global economy is basically just a house of cards now, about to come crashing down. The more they try to fix it the worse it gets, printing more money, adjusting the interest, bailing out companies that should have been bankrupt, etc, is just pushing forward a problem that gets bigger and bigger the further we push it until it collapses. And I'm not talking about some hyperinflation and a new great depression, although that will come first. No, it'll be a total collapse, unrecoverable. Anyone that can't see this, and it dosen't look like YouTube's new CEO can, are going to crash with it.

For perspective. The debt world wide is about $300 trillion (2022). The total amount of physical money in the world is about $5 trillion. The estimated total value of things owned by people, is about $90 trillion. The biosphere of the entire Earth, including oceans, was estimated to be worth about $33 trillion. And all investments, including crypto, basically things that will be worthless if the economy fails, is a staggering $1.3 quadrillion. So this is an entirely artificial system with no basis in reality. With how modern fiat money works, selling the entire ecosystem of the planet would barely cover 1/10 of our collective dept. Selling everything in the world would cover about 1/3 of it. And yet we have artificial values of over a quadrillion, if my math is right you could buy the whole world and everything in it about 10 times with that. So what value does it actually have if there is more of it than there is possible to buy with it? (Source: Google, Federal Reserve, Science dot org.)

Point is, invest in anything and it will become worthless sooner or later, probably sooner, unless it's something of actual physical substance.


MrEloi t1_j9nyg6o wrote

>unless it's something of actual physical substance.

The way the world is going, pew-pews etc might be a good physical substance to invest in.


XiaoDaoShi t1_j9na7b7 wrote

I thin decentralized tech has a lot of place in situations where trustlessness and anonymity matter. I don’t think nfts are completely useless, but they are kind of overhyped. Once upon a time I was thinking they could be useful in situations where proof of ownership was meaningful, but now I’m also doubting this too.


HandOfChance t1_j9pf2h8 wrote

Suzan has not been the only CEO of YouTube. There were at least two prior - Salar Kamangar and Chad Hurley.


DirtyBottomsPottery t1_j9pzpic wrote

I think the future of youtube should be to focus on attracting and retaining high quality content creators. Part of what makes quality content is a combination of quality video creation, practical application of knowledge, having novel ideas that pop up via praxis, and understanding what demographic that the content creator is appealing to. Giving content creators access to demographic data and the ability to understand big data via visualization tools would be a huge advantage for those who understand the value of mathematics. I honestly don't know who is looking at my content. Because I don't know that, I don't know for whom I should tailor my content. Being less universally appealing, more specific would reduce the number of hats I'm trying to wear. At present I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of hats. It's a bit overwhelming. I have limited resources, and can't please everyone.

One of the groups I've gotten tired of are content creators who drive people away from youtube towards their own websites so that the content creators can drive their own sales. The whole point of youtube is to provide quality content, not low quality, clickbait frustration. My life is short, don't waste it with bait and switch.

To me NFTs are neither here nor there. If they prove viable, cool, but I doubt they will. It honestly sounds like a con artist's scheme. If it does work out, there will be a gold rush, and people will digitally squat on as much as their greedly little digital fingers can muster. Preventing digital bullies and squatters would be key to engaging creatives. Making sure the knowledge and ability to create such content would need to get into as many hands as possible. Inclusivity would be key. Exclusivity and elitism are toxic to people who want to have fun. The more fun people have doing this, the more likely it is to succeed.

I don't know why, but I feel like a weight has been lifted with the departure of the last CEO. Youtube as a whole feels less oppressive.

I like the ability to be able to select broad categories at the top of the feed. Please for the love of all that is holy I want youtube to remove the "already viewed" option. I want new content included in my feed, not just as an option to occasionally select. If the algorithm needs me to make more original searches in order for me to have higher quality or new content, just say so. I think part of the problem in my feed is the fact I stop searching for content and rely on it being given to me by the algorithm. Without new data the algorithm seems to struggle to find suitable novel content.

Maybe youtube could focus less on content creators who are trying to generate as many clicks and subs as possible and focus more on cultivating new content. I.E. less populist driven, more nerd driven. I would like to see more nerds and weirdos who love what they do being promoted. Their love and passion is infectious and spiritually uplifting.

I want youtube to work on fixing problems in the new content option. It's constantly trying to show me news programs especially in languages that I don't speak or read. I don't want news in my feed, ever. The media is designed for anxiety and depression clicks. I don't want that awful crap in my life. I don't want to know about the latest shooting spree. I don't care about cake and circus like the superbowl. I want them to stop trying to get me to click on stuff that doesn't apply to me. Youtube is supposed to be a magician of data yet it constantly wastes visual space on annoying and off-putting content that I obviously am not interested in.

I don't know how youtube monetizes anything, and frankly I have no faith in monetization. If there was more transparency I would probably have more faith and actually try. I wish to be financially independent. I have no data or advice on how to do that as a content creator. No one talks about this, because everyone feels like they're competing with everyone else. <sarcasm>Heaven forbid we all have the same access to knowledge of how to succeed in a digital arena.</sarcasm> The only advice I've seen is to create my own gimmick and creating useless objects. That one's already taken, so yeah... If I'm not financially stable, I can't focus on content creation. I can't create if I'm homeless. If I work a 40 hour job, I'm usually too tired to create. I'm not greedy. As long as I have a roof over my head and food in my stomach I will be happy. Maybe youtube should get serious about developing content creators and helping them to be financially viable and less of a "we only promote rich kids who we can make tons of money off of and are so privileged they didn't need our help in the first place."


SlowCrates t1_j9q857n wrote

YouTube has become the bloated mess it used to save us from.

Do they have some legal rights to the concept itself? I don't understand why another platform hasn't just copied what YouTube USED to be.


ExistentialEnso t1_j9yqz59 wrote

NFTs don't have to be overpriced pump-and-dump garbage, and Proof of Stake blockchains are very power efficient. They don't have to be a bad thing.

I mean, we're saying this on a site that has integrated NFTs, lmao. Sure, a lot of the site ignores it, and that's fine (I don't think it needs to be a feature for everyone), but you can find NFT pfps participating uncontroversially in most subreddits on here these days.