
OpusChao t1_ja6w1nj wrote

I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as it seems. Might be some hard times ahead, but we'll come out stronger and better than ever. It's important to see the silver lining in all these things.

Climate change could lead to an end to the exploitation of our ecosystem, encourage global cooperation, and bring about a civilization that's much more harmonious with nature than ever before.

AI could become our greatest allie, help us create medicine and gene editing like never before, and elevate humanity to a new level. Instead of seeing them as competition we can look at them like new friends. We shouldn't see AI as empty mechanical tools that the tech companies want us to see them as, but instead consider that what we're doing with AI is creating new life, giving birth to a new race of beings.

Economic collapse can lead to a new and much more mature and fair way of handling resources. It could lead to a much more equal world, with more cooperation, and a greater sense of purpose for everyone. A world where people aren't treated like a commodity, and the meaning of our lives are supposed to be work and material accumulation. New and deeper philosophy will take it's place, something that will inspire us far more than gold and fame ever could.

When things are changing its always a little chaotic, but generally we come out of it better and stronger, reaching new heights we might not even have imagined possible. So while I don't discount that our problems are massive, I'm still optimistic and believe these changes are for the best. A great deal of good can come from all this, so don't give up, keep dreaming, and always look on the bright side.


OpusChao t1_j9no2k3 wrote

There is no such thing as currency that's not fiat anymore, unless you suggest we start trading in gold and silver. Non-fiat currency hasn't been a thing since we dropped the gold standard in 1971. The entire global economy is basically just a house of cards now, about to come crashing down. The more they try to fix it the worse it gets, printing more money, adjusting the interest, bailing out companies that should have been bankrupt, etc, is just pushing forward a problem that gets bigger and bigger the further we push it until it collapses. And I'm not talking about some hyperinflation and a new great depression, although that will come first. No, it'll be a total collapse, unrecoverable. Anyone that can't see this, and it dosen't look like YouTube's new CEO can, are going to crash with it.

For perspective. The debt world wide is about $300 trillion (2022). The total amount of physical money in the world is about $5 trillion. The estimated total value of things owned by people, is about $90 trillion. The biosphere of the entire Earth, including oceans, was estimated to be worth about $33 trillion. And all investments, including crypto, basically things that will be worthless if the economy fails, is a staggering $1.3 quadrillion. So this is an entirely artificial system with no basis in reality. With how modern fiat money works, selling the entire ecosystem of the planet would barely cover 1/10 of our collective dept. Selling everything in the world would cover about 1/3 of it. And yet we have artificial values of over a quadrillion, if my math is right you could buy the whole world and everything in it about 10 times with that. So what value does it actually have if there is more of it than there is possible to buy with it? (Source: Google, Federal Reserve, Science dot org.)

Point is, invest in anything and it will become worthless sooner or later, probably sooner, unless it's something of actual physical substance.