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ChasteAnimation t1_j7462cw wrote

Probably, but a large percentage is also going to vehemently oppose the vaccine based on intuition alone... Just like with covid.


unbelievablefidelity t1_j749tdr wrote

Agreed! I just wonder with the Covid vaccine being a form of preventative action/community duty…mixed with the anti-vax rhetoric of “it’s just the flu!” vs being diagnosed with something potentially fatal and having something tailored to potentially fix it…there a bit more immediate personal urgency.

But like you said, many will still refuse it, based solely on the mRNA tag alone.

Anywho. I’m stoked on the potential of this tailored vaccine!


ChasteAnimation t1_j74bfm9 wrote

>there a bit more immediate personal urgency.

You might be right. At the very least, they probably believe that cancer is dangerous. Which is... Something lol.