
ChasteAnimation t1_j74hv2r wrote

Well you'll have to forgive me. Every time I argue with someone who is "skeptic" they point me to a ridiculous documentary, or some schizoid manifesto.

I haven't personally delved into the corruption and conspiracy surrounding pharma companies. I'm sure there is corruption, and I'm sure people have suffered for the sake of profits, but I'm hesitant to buy into a grand conspiracy (not sure if that's what you're suggesting).


ChasteAnimation t1_j74axwa wrote

>What are you talking about? 80% of the USAs population took the vaccine, 70% of the entire world population took the vaccine.

We're talking about antivaxers, don't drag the rest of humanity along in an attempt to appear more rational than you are.

20-30% is a significant amount. The apprehension to get the vaccine was significantly more pronounced at the height of the pandemic as well.

It's also worth noting that those figures you're referring to also include partial vaccination.

>And for what? So that {x} pharma companies made record profits for a 'vaccine' that didn't provide immunity or stop transmission.


Wait... Are you going to do that thing where you say that the vaccine doesn't give you 100% immunity and that means big pharma is lying to you? Boring...

The vaccine has been shown to be extremely effective at preventing and mitigating the infection.

It's not 100%, no. I have no idea why anyone would think it is 100%, as that's not the case for literally any medical treatment in the history of all medical science.


ChasteAnimation t1_j748n0c wrote

Calm down, we're deep into a reddit comment section.

Honestly I agree. If you intentionally avoided the mRNA vaccine because you wanted to virtue signal or were simply too stupid, then maybe you should be held to your bullshit.

mRNA was too wacky, dangerous, and mind controlling during the pandemic, why should we tolerate a sudden, selfish change of heart?


ChasteAnimation t1_j745tpy wrote

>Or maybe people will look at each treatment separately & consider the benefits, risks & circumstances

Why would they do that? they didn't weigh the options with COVID.... They just took up the anti-establishment, conspiratorial bandwagon and followed suit as blindly as anyone else.

Only instead of following the recommendations of the world's leading experts, they followed fringe researchers and conmen populists.