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ComprehensiveHorse30 t1_j8ov87n wrote

Genocide of a certain religion and homelessness are not …. Comparable. The Uighur population were largely functioning and active members of society.

Homelessness is a global problem and there IS things we can do. Addiction help (free), job counseling, housing resources, better resources for vets (40% of homeless people are vets)…. The list goes on.


[deleted] t1_j8ox8k9 wrote

I hate Reddit sometimes, I was not comparing those two things. I was just comparing the action. Get an education before arguing online with people when you clearly don't understand what is being said.


ComprehensiveHorse30 t1_j8oy8vu wrote

You too friend.

It’s inappropriate to bring up a active genocide when the topic is homeless populations.


[deleted] t1_j8p24wq wrote

You still don't get it, to clarify, I do not condone genocide to the homeless. I was merely listing options that are frequently analyzed in this debate.