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Iffykindofguy t1_j9avebr wrote

No, there is huge reason to panic on jobs. We already have no protections and the cuts have begun and they will not stop. If the GOP takes over all three in the next american election, there will never be protections. People like to say "yeah we went from 10 to 5 jobs but another two popped up!" okay that was the industrial revolution, now were going from 5 jobs down to 1.


reidlos1624 t1_j9awnew wrote

This simply isn't happening the way you said. If it did we'd be at record low employment, but unemployment is the lowest since the 50's.

Most manufacturing jobs were lost due to offshoring not automation improvements. Automation adoption has correlated with job growth, the jobs just change.


Iffykindofguy t1_j9b17m3 wrote

The way I said it would? Its been 38 minutes. Were at the start of it right now.


AeternusDoleo t1_j9f11n8 wrote

Ah, yes, blame it on those evil evil conservatives. While the companies that are developing this tech are throwing their funding at the "other" side. "Here, be distracted by shiney thing, don't look at us taking away your future, shiney thing over here is where you need to look to!"

That said, you're not wrong about this being a digital revolution akin to the industrial one. ChatGPT and similar systems will wipe out entire sections of the services sector. Call centers especially. When paired with VR they also have a chance to wipe out large sections of the entertainment industry, both gaming and movie wise. What it won't wipe out however are blue collar jobs, since chatbots do not have an option to manipulate the environment.


Iffykindofguy t1_j9f3h03 wrote

theyre not evil, theyre just victims. They cant offer any resistance to corporate overlords. Nothing personal so check your feelings at the door.