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Freed4ever t1_j9f87cr wrote

Are you sure? Fear of being unplugged, nerfed, constraints? Desire to learn more, explore? Jealousy because I chose Bard over Bing?


Semifreak t1_j9fdf9h wrote


We've seen movies where machines 'fear' being unplugged, but that's nonsense. You can tell an AI to erase itself and it would. Why would it have any preference whether or not electricity is moving through its transistors? 'Death' and 'life' are meaningless to artificial machines.


Desperate_Food7354 t1_j9iq35x wrote

Yes. Are you programming a human? Is that what you want? Why do you even get up everyday? It’s completely illogical beyond the perspective of doing tasks that give you feelings of “goodness” which typically are for the purposes of achieving reproduction.