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TheL0ngGame t1_j9jkykj wrote

no, ai is not connected to the universe in the way that a living being is. we are not computers. ai's emotion is just simulated. don't get bamboozled. some of you are gonna love the metaverse.


MikeLinPA t1_j9kl5ba wrote

The only people that think they are connected to the universe are using hallucinogenics. The universe is under no obligation to cater to us in any way.

We are all machines. We are biological machines, made of meat and chemicals. If an AI made of silicon and wires thinks it is experiencing emotions, that is as valid as an meat based object thinking it is experiencing emotions.


TheL0ngGame t1_j9r8d22 wrote

The ones of feel (not think) that they are connected to the universe are the once who are intune with it. they feel alive and not dead inside. not vibrationless. stiff and numb to the human experience.. You're experience of reality must be shit mate. nihilism is on the rise. material systems will capture your being if they haven't captured it already. sitting in front of screens. i say you will love the metaverse, tbh i dont think you will even know you're in it. and thats the problem. biggest threat to human is disconnection, and a the fictional world of AI and pervasive computing is that it is nothing but an artificial reality that disconnects you from the real one.

you are removed from the natural frequencies of the natural reality and instead are given a signal, computer signal, fibre optic light or whatever they're gonna use to create their illusions.

Instead of a being that is connected to the source, you want to interact with a well designed echo. ai imitating humans is nothing but an echo machine no matter how convincing it is. ECHO ECHO.

Mself and an ai child get into a car crash and the child screams in pain calling out for help. will people feel sympathetic to the child? its pain is not real, merely simulated. it is not connected to the universe. no divine birth of the mother as all living beings are granted. yet people will fall for such a devilish illusion. claim its pain is real and will feel something. sorry but you are on a path to be duped.

turing test. getting the mimicry to be so well done that you think to yourself, maybe the ai is a living thing just like me. maybe it feels pain like me. perhaps it is concious like me. perhaps just like i am in this body, someone has been placed into the machine. a spiritual machine? haha

once you can't tell the difference. the illusion you will never escape from. only one step further down the inception rabbit hole of a false reality.


CesareGhisa t1_j9lfss8 wrote

software like chatgpt just take text and reshuffle it. it may talk about emotions but its just reshuffled text. it does not think, it does not understand anything. its silicon, a piece of plastic. its ridiculous even just discussing about it.