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Dickmusha t1_ja64oc5 wrote

People are very confused with this modern AI stuff because a lot of it was already possible for quite some time just no one cared or had a reason to use it or develop it. The AI we are using to do stupid stuff is not really the AI you need to be scared of. So singularity? Eventually.. but its not right now. Also silicon is facing its own issue ... the bigger fear should be that computers are about to hit an impossible to pass limit that will actually STOP further advancements in AI that we actually want to happen. Moores law is dead and transistors are reaching a serious stall in advancement .. that is why AMD and Intel are focusing on work around instead of actual smaller processes. My biggest fear is that chips will hit this wall and the economic issues for this lack of advancement will be a bigger issue. The AI we are working on now will then also hit a wall and the positives of that AI will be stopped in their tracks fucking up all of the futurists realities we are hoping for that could be used for uplifting the undeveloped world. Physics is at a stall, microchips are at a stall, material science is at a stall.. AI may just design tech we won't even be able to act on or make real and we will stalled out in advancement despite knowing what the next steps should be.