
Dickmusha t1_ja64oc5 wrote

People are very confused with this modern AI stuff because a lot of it was already possible for quite some time just no one cared or had a reason to use it or develop it. The AI we are using to do stupid stuff is not really the AI you need to be scared of. So singularity? Eventually.. but its not right now. Also silicon is facing its own issue ... the bigger fear should be that computers are about to hit an impossible to pass limit that will actually STOP further advancements in AI that we actually want to happen. Moores law is dead and transistors are reaching a serious stall in advancement .. that is why AMD and Intel are focusing on work around instead of actual smaller processes. My biggest fear is that chips will hit this wall and the economic issues for this lack of advancement will be a bigger issue. The AI we are working on now will then also hit a wall and the positives of that AI will be stopped in their tracks fucking up all of the futurists realities we are hoping for that could be used for uplifting the undeveloped world. Physics is at a stall, microchips are at a stall, material science is at a stall.. AI may just design tech we won't even be able to act on or make real and we will stalled out in advancement despite knowing what the next steps should be.


Dickmusha t1_j6n0vc5 wrote

If you have a job try and get a cash advance or borrow some money from someone. The correct thing to do is to not get involved in crime. There isn't much you can do to magically get 750 dollars. Bro I would just ask to borrow 50 bucks from everyone I could and eat the shit paying them back late while they all hound you at this point. If your dad/mom/grandparents have money .. ask them for the money take the ass wooping and clean up your life.

Also just to point out. I absolutely understand to be honest. I was very deep in the wrong places when I was a teenager. But getting away from all that stuff was the best thing I ever did. I spent too many days on drugs or with drug dealers. Just pay back your debt and get your shit together. A normal life is 1000% better than fucking around with bad people.


Dickmusha t1_j6mummx wrote

OP no one knows who you are. There is no point in hiding whatever your issue you. You need to just tell everyone your issue so we can tell you what to do. You can get a cash advance if you need it etc. But no one can help you with pointless cryptic messages and asking questions that amount to asking for free money.

What do you need money for? There is no magical way to duplicate money or else everyone would be doing it. You can't flip 290 in a week into some big stack of cash.


Dickmusha t1_j5sb144 wrote

People have enjoyed comics for decades. Why would they stop enjoying them now? Have you met a 12 year old boy before? lol. I do not see 12 year old boys ever not liking super hero movies and they are going to continue the cycle that their dads took part in. Also the first Superman was in 1978. Its been a thing for a long long time.


Dickmusha t1_j43c3pz wrote

These companies are just lost in some weird mind space at this point obsessed with all of the wrong things. "Shit we fucked up by not going chiplets" "Lets just test every single chip we have and find ones that can survive shoving 120v directly into them and sell them at a premium" "Amazing idea Bill now pass me that crack pipe you've been hogging it all day"


Dickmusha t1_ixrniu0 wrote

Me right above you"
"I really doubt the answer to our problems will be expensive robots flying around fields fixing things magically for us. "

As usual people on reddit don't actually understand the points other people make but instead project what they want to fight against onto people disagreeing with them.

200 dollar shit robots will not be doing this job. The only thing capable of this job is absurdly expensive compared to the alternative ... herbicides.. technology is not at the point where thousands of expensive robots combing unbelievable amounts of farm land are going to be an economically viable answer. When AI is in Sci Fi land levels of availability we will have all kinds of magical tech. This idea is 100 years away... won't solve the real issues facing mass farming by then .. and is no where near as affective as GMOs will be at facing this issue... and the current option available is a diesel guzzling mess.


Dickmusha t1_ixrjtpn wrote

That is a massively expensive version of OPs impossible nonfunctioning example. Of course you can pump shit loads of money into making things work .. but its not going to be scalable in an economic way.


Dickmusha t1_ixrjdpi wrote

None of that will work in real life. That works in farming videogames. I live a city away from farm land. That idea is not going to work its not that simple and it will never be. You need a thinking machine making actual decisions to to do anything close to this.


Dickmusha t1_ixriyuw wrote

Ok sure. I order a chicken quesadilla literally last week at taco bell and it sent the wrong items to the cash register. So it gave me a different item because the skus in their system changed and the cashier literally told me "Oh yeah its been doing that" So no. I mean its pointless pointing this out but its literally something that happened to me. That incident has happened to me multiple times. I'm not just making shit up I only brought it up because of the issue.


Dickmusha t1_ixpjb1j wrote

Yeah Dragonballs would be really cool too. Then we could just wish away all of our problems once a year.

But seriously imaginary technology that fixes all our problems always sounds cool... but rarely works out. I really doubt the answer to our problems will be expensive robots flying around fields fixing things magically for us. The robot kiosks at McDonalds can't get my order right and amazon delivery drones have turned out to be rc car ice chests because practically wins out in the end. We are going to need real functioning AI before anything like this works.


Dickmusha t1_ixnyx1n wrote

How fucking delusional do you have to be to think these are a logical answer to this problem. You going to making thousands and thousands of these and hope for the best while they some how don't just become mass litter in the fields and fields of wheat we have to grow? This is a useless gadget and nothing more. I am guessing this is actually an ad for this useless product.