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PublicFurryAccount t1_j9zy4io wrote

Televisions were way more expensive back then, though, and advances in CRTs was really slow. So you needed it to last a long time to justify the purchase, even for a middle class family, and you could expect that it wouldn't really be behind newer televisions for many years because it took a long time for any significant changes to arrive.


mhornberger t1_ja3pzyu wrote

> Televisions were way more expensive back then, though, and advances in CRTs was really slow

Reddit generally has trouble accepting that a) prices have gone down, and 2) products have improved. We want stuff for dirt cheap but also think that if it wasn't for "greed" then things would last basically forever, like the survivorship-bias outlier examples of our relative's washing machine, refrigerator, or television.