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_fuck_me_sideways_ t1_jau6pbk wrote

Better check yourself as well methuselah :p adaptive charging outstrips the need to worry about battery micromanagement other than not going DTE.


Nanaremilamina t1_jau84zu wrote

Yeah pretty much now it is all about making the battery not heat up. When you charge, and for how long, has relatively been solved


foggy-sunrise t1_jauex7c wrote

Pretty sure the overheating thing just got massively reduced in problem-size iirc. Using a slightly more expensive tape inside the battery seems to keep batteries healthy for longer / exposure to heat.


GodOfPlutonium t1_jau9zzr wrote

you dont have to worry about damaging the battery sure. Doesnt change that you can take actions to increase longevity. There are people who live their entire lifes with battery in the 0-40 range, ive seen it multiple times.


UncoolSlicedBread t1_javgqqz wrote

Hi, I’m that person. Occasionally I’ll charge it to 100% but for the most part it gets to like 50% and then I forget to charge the rest.

Mainly because at one point I read that you shouldn’t charge it to 100% and leave it on the charger, so I quit charging it at night.


danielv123 t1_javjs50 wrote

Discharging to empty is far worse than charging to full. Most phones are also smart about nighttime charging, so they stop the charge at 80% until a few hours before you get up.


UncoolSlicedBread t1_javrl9g wrote

Well TIL. I’ll start plugging this sucker in at night.


GodOfPlutonium t1_jay78a5 wrote

check your phone settings, some phones have options now to stop charging early, but you have to enable it. IDK about most phones and its not automatic. In general not charging to 100% is good, but there is no point in unplugging it if its actually full, as then the phone electronics are just running off of wall power