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MrCrash t1_jccbt53 wrote

Okay so self-confidence is great.

Self-esteem, very important.

"I should get everything I want" is fucking entitlement.

And it is the cancer that's killing our society.


PrepareToTyEdition t1_jcd0921 wrote

At the risk of entering circle-jerk territory, I want to say 'thank you' for making me feel less insane & isolated for being kind of disgusted by this post.

Don't hate yourself needlessly & deprive yourself of basic needs, but sweet gherkin, you can't have everything you want! That's like, rule #1 of life, not just a rule of society.


vegancookie t1_jcdd7lc wrote

A lot of “wholesome” is toxic positivity, rule of thumb for me is, would this encourage or justify abhorrently evil things, if yes, it’s not wholesome, it’s a form of toxic positivity.

Same with does it erase legitimate emotional reactions, if it’s blindly telling someone to be happy when they are depressed, sad, grieving so on so forth, it is not wholesome.


LeonDeSchal t1_jcf20hu wrote

That’s how capitalism works though isn’t it? Create a consumer society that wants stuff so that we buy the products we create.


PrepareToTyEdition t1_jcf8bpz wrote

There's no such thing as a perfect society, but I'll defend society as far as this: if a society is going to work, there has to be checks and balances of power. The concept of everyone deserving exactly what they want is the antithesis of checks and balances.


lkodl t1_jcdympa wrote

Bouncer: excuse me, sir. You can't just cut to the front of the line.

Guy: *points to sign. I want to cut the line. I'm worthy of getting that.

Bouncer: I want you to leave. I'm worthy of getting that.

Guy: that's your opinion.


LeonDeSchal t1_jcf1wue wrote

Buddhist say that wanting is the source of all our pain, or something like that.


BodaciousRaven OP t1_jcfjm95 wrote

Being worthy and "getting everything I want" are two completely different things.


Alternative-Run-5515 t1_jccuhfd wrote

are we seeing the same post?

cause on the sign I see, it says “You’re worthy of all the things you want”, not “I demand I get everything I want”.


MrCrash t1_jccumu8 wrote

"I'm worthy of service workers kissing my ass everywhere I go even though I treat them like shit"


Alternative-Run-5515 t1_jccwxw9 wrote

again, the sign doesn’t say that.

not saying the sign is right in all scenarios, but it’s a surface message that you’re deliberately overgeneralizing lol. what do you expect? a list of exceptions in fine print?


tenebrls t1_jcd6xho wrote

You’re not just inherently worthy of all the things you want though now are you? You don’t deserve to be better than everyone else or have more power than them, despite however much you might want it.


EdwardOfGreene t1_jcdnmfl wrote

You are probably not worthy of all the things you want, depending on what you want.

Most everyone who has ever lived has wanted things they should not have.


Alternative-Run-5515 t1_jcfadvf wrote

  1. “should have” and “deserve” are not inherently interchangeable.

  2. I didn’t say the sign is right in all cases either so….


Dizzy_Smile3807 t1_jcg8dr5 wrote

You're getting downvoted, but you're absolutely correct.

Feeling like you are worthy of something is not the same thing as demanding it in an entitled way.

If you are closed-minded and constantly limiting yourself, the idea that someone would think this way would come off as offensive, so I'd take the critics here with a grain of salt.


Gympie-Gympie-pie t1_jcmoxc0 wrote

Is the stalker worthy of the person they are stalking? Is the thief worthy of the things they have stolen?