MrCrash t1_jd3w0d7 wrote
There's a Digital Underground joke in here somewhere.
MrCrash t1_jccumu8 wrote
Reply to comment by Alternative-Run-5515 in I am worthy. [Image] by BodaciousRaven
"I'm worthy of service workers kissing my ass everywhere I go even though I treat them like shit"
MrCrash t1_jccbt53 wrote
Reply to I am worthy. [Image] by BodaciousRaven
Okay so self-confidence is great.
Self-esteem, very important.
"I should get everything I want" is fucking entitlement.
And it is the cancer that's killing our society.
MrCrash t1_jadspno wrote
Reply to Level 4 Cultist by jay_thorn
Not really funny, mostly just sad.
MrCrash t1_jaa5ybd wrote
Reply to [Image] "One life" by Butterflies_Books
A lot of my wildest dreams involve having a roof over my head and eating food everyday.
MrCrash t1_j9vbqwn wrote
Reply to LPT Request: how can I avoid capital gains tax (20%) on land sold (<$500,000)? by ScrollinMyLifeAway
Alternate pro tip:
Don't be a parasite. Pay your taxes.
MrCrash t1_j7qo17b wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in What's your estimation for the minimum size of global population required for preserving modern civilization with advanced technology and medicine, and even progressing further? by Evgeneey
Reliable birth control pills weren't commercially available until the 1960s. We are unlikely to see a population boom like that again.
MrCrash t1_j60blls wrote
Reply to comment by gregzhoba in How do you live to be 100? Good genes, getting outside and friends. by MI6Section13
Small correction:
Super rich people are closer to editing whatever genes they want.
Us regular peons are going to die at our jobs.
MrCrash t1_j4votv8 wrote
Reply to [Image] Who is the driver of you by AvantgardeSavage
This is the opposite of motivational.
The fuck are you thinking, OP?
MrCrash t1_j4voobz wrote
Reply to comment by TwainVonnegut in [Image] Who is the driver of you by AvantgardeSavage
If I have no control over my actions then fuck it I'm staying in bed all day.
MrCrash t1_j1zylh2 wrote
Reply to Take a chance on yourself [image] by Blue_Consulting
"Haha, it was just a prank, bro!"
-Thomas Edison (when refusing to pay Nikola Tesla what he said he would for his work revising westinghouse's generator designs.)
MrCrash t1_j1zxs83 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Take a chance on yourself [image] by Blue_Consulting
Weird take, friend.
Just out of curiosity can you find me one, single, example of a person in 2022 blaming Thomas Alva Edison for their life sucking?
MrCrash t1_j1whdcc wrote
Reply to ELI5: If time is the fourth dimension, then what force is pushing us through it? by quacduck
Nothing really "pushes" us through it, that metaphor doesn't really work. More like it "happens" in the universe around us.
One answer is entropy. This might help:
MrCrash t1_je70pmd wrote
Reply to Me and two friends playing NES, 1989 by blackbeardslim
Kid on the left is making that jump in world 4-1 of Mario Bros, and little dude in the middle is like "wha! I always died there!"