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SpiritStriver90 t1_jdjfbs7 wrote

>Do you honestly think that you're the only person in the world who communicates like you do?

No, I don't. I also don't bother to keep a ledger of who communicates in what style, nor do I particularly care to.

And I don't have to be the only one in the world who communicates the same way I do, either. They'd probably make better convo partners than you and I do.

>Your first post was not "just a question". It was an attempt to 'judge as worthy' or 'discredit'. There's a part in the dark recesses of your mind that thinks it knows better.

The motivation of my first question was because it seemed to me you were being rather nasty yourself toward that person, treating them like they were so awful for simply disputing a piece of life advice given on an Internet forum. That got me mad to see you treat them that way. It seemed to me like you were grandstanding over them, so I wanted to call that out. I am not sure if that means I think something in my mind "knows better" (what does that even mean? "Knows better" about what, than who? You? Him? I legitimately am having trouble decoding the referent there) - I don't "know better" than you who is or isn't "ultimately right" on this, as I said I think it's really dependent on the individual which path will/won't work for them so I don't think that either one is more or less "right". But I did also honestly want to know too, because I know I could be wrong.

So yes, maybe the question did serve a rhetorical purpose (not sure it's exactly the one you are saying it is though given the aforementioned reading comp problem viz. the phrase "knows better") but for me, whenever I ask such a question I also am doing so just as much with an open mind to that the answer may very well defeat my rhetoric, too, so it's double-purpose, not single.

Also, since you have said this conversation is circular and boring, why are you still trying to rope me back into it?