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zaphod_pebblebrox t1_jdev9jt wrote

You have to establish your boundaries very early on.

Your family, kids, parents, spouse, friends, employers, society will try and claw more than you offer.

But you have to respect your boundaries and firmly communicate them with everyone.


iammabdaddy t1_jdez8se wrote

Sorry this does not motivate me, every scar is still open and bleeding. A life full of pain follows when scars dont heal.


lordofchuckles t1_jdf1nvh wrote

  1. We’re all, too an extent, lil build a bears. You can decide who you want to be and work on becoming that person regardless of age. Mental fortitude, emotional intelligence, self disciple, impulse control, fit and healthy,….whomever you imagine yourself to be and skills you wish you had, you can be that. It’s right there. Youtube, podcasts, books, it’s there. You are not experiencing any hardship that hasn’t already been experienced & conquered by ppl who came before you.

  2. Don’t just get into relationships and wing them. They require certain skills. Research them and master them as best you can. Then don’t settle.

  3. Learn the difference between love and attachment.

  4. If you’re constantly struggling to start or complete a goal, there’s likely something going on mentally. Explore your mental health. You gotta learn to control your mind and not the other way around.


ScionDust t1_jdf202u wrote

The only way to know what someone really thinks of you, is to ask them directly, believe them, and not expect them to change or try to convince them otherwise even if you don't like the answer. This applies to the guy at the corner store, your boss, and the person you think could be "the one".


JCPRuckus t1_jdfnyl3 wrote

Heart attacks suck!... Lesson of a lifetime... Often the last one.


DLoIsHere t1_jdfockn wrote

Not sure this is motivating. Or even comforting.


Daisychains30 t1_jdfrsna wrote

The last thing my dad said to me on my birthday days before he died of cancer was “You can do whatever you want.”

He was trying to tell me that I was still alive and healthy and was capable of attempting my wildest dreams while here on earth while in his fragile state.

I miss him.


Worris45 t1_jdft2mo wrote

Don’t waste time. Learn to manage your money. Don’t be afraid to try anything once or face anything. Humble yourself. Alcohol and drugs and anything addicting never does anybody anything good. There are obviously many many more!


LynxKuroneko t1_jdfvzpz wrote

[ laughs in lifelong trauma and betrayal by everyone around me ]


PentaStealz t1_jdgdeja wrote

Nevermind the lung scars tho. What a horrible post, be better


felixlightner t1_jdgf0tx wrote

People will try their best to take everything of value from you. Your accomplishments, ideas, money, spouse, possessions, etc. Either you deliberately secure it, defend it, or you will 100% lose it.


_No_Pain_No_Gain t1_jdgpo7q wrote

A handful of Tough Lessons I've learned the hard way:

No Pain No Gain - No growth and learning without pain and struggle. No life without suffering.

Not being a sore loser applies to your own failures too, when it's just you vs you.

Happiness likes silence. People are full of hate and envy. They just wait to sabotage you.

People will take advantage of you. Live like an introvert and be super picky who you let in your life.

When you have an open mind, make sure you don't drop your brain. You will become too tolerant.

Empaths are mostly Unsung Heroes. Empaths are not the people who just give you a pat on the back while letting you succumb in your victim mentality.

Empaths are well aware that you will always be at a disadvantage if you drown in your victim complex. So they find a gentle way to tell you to Get a Grip.

Healing is slow, hard and painful but you should never give up. Go slow, take a break, crawl if you have to, but don't stop or quit.

When you struggle to find a lesson in your hardship, it means that you actually have a desire to learn and obtain wisdom in the tough times you are going through. Keep going, the Hard lesson will appear in front of you.

Tough times don't last, Tough people do. Tough times are here to deliver the lessons. They are not life sentences.


I_Do_Stufff t1_jdgqb0j wrote

Wow some of these posts in here are really cringey


Proper_Mortgage_1538 t1_jdgwot3 wrote

i think the lesson you can learn from everyday you've lived is some people will leave you someday no matter what your relationship with them in the end of the day you and yourself only will last so be stronger in all aspect in our lives physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, so that if that shit happened to you, you are strong enough to take that shit and keep moving while you in pain and that's what really happened to me now some people will go and some will change the perspective towards you until they leave you and that shit hurts me alot thank you for reading this. GOD BLESS US


Rabuz t1_jdhabc5 wrote

If there was anyone to ever get through this life with their heart still intact, they did not do it right.