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Puiucs t1_jduif0x wrote

if a car is coming towards you, that slow forward movement won't help you much :)

Sometimes you need to move fast to get what you want and achieve something good.


gomidgo t1_jduif7c wrote

This is perfect for me because I am trying to start my own business to escape 9-5 but it's a lot harder and takes a lot more time than I ever expected


Dejaviva t1_jduo29m wrote

Every step forward counts, even if your face is eating the ground.


nedepp t1_jduw50q wrote

Tell that to inflation and interest rates


rweb82 t1_jdvjfsh wrote

Unless the building is on fire.


NicoRola000 t1_jdvxehe wrote

Are you in front of me on the freeway? If so, please make am exception....


lodravah t1_jdw0dx3 wrote

Does not apply to airplanes. Gotta get that lift, yo!


BeeBee_ThatsMe t1_jdwh8nv wrote

Yup. A lot of Redditors don't understand people at the top have huge pressures and challenges that they can't identify because they can't relate.

Like trust me, if a business could run without a CEO, they wouldn't pay upwards of a million dollars to someone to be CEO. And if it was easy, they'd hire someone cheaper (since it's easy and anyone can do it).

Good luck! 🤞


leoheck t1_jdwjdv2 wrote

Forward is forward. That's good.

But the speed does matter.

You can rest or do anything you want if your job is done quickly.

You can have more time when the others are just going slow motion.

Forward is better than backwards, I do agree. But you decide the peace you go.


WiseChonk t1_jdx74zr wrote

Unless you're merging onto a highway from an on ramp... Then please go faster to meet the speed of traffic.


ginedwards t1_jdxjg2q wrote

Unless you're being chased by a grizzly.


Elighttice t1_jdxn5yv wrote

Good luck. Do a lot of research before you do anything that will cost you a lot of money. You're gonna work 7 days a week most of the day. Owning your time and charging what your work is really worth is worth it.


Lastliner t1_jdzq7kf wrote

Let me rephrase that for you... Speed doesn't matter, Direction does.