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Legal_Beginning471 t1_jdxi55m wrote

I was recently reading a scientific study that concluded that having gratitude not only makes us happier, it makes us smarter. I agree with that sentiment.


TreatThompson OP t1_jdxivwj wrote

Ohh that’s an interesting point, I never made the connection that it would make us smarter

I’ve got to think about that one!

Thanks for sharing 😄


mcarterphoto t1_jdxqi7a wrote

Gratitude is stronger than love. To be grateful is to recognize that you love something vs. taking it for granted. To be genuinely thankful? It seems to posit an undercurrent of "...and do I really deserve this?" And the only answer to that is "Try to." Genuine gratitude - I dunno if it makes you smarter, but it makes you better. Douchebags and the entitled - they never express real, heartfelt thanks.


Independent_Swing_98 t1_jdzduiv wrote

My dokter recommend the six minute diary. Think it's originally german (I'm Dutch but they have a Dutch one here, not sure of there's an English one). Three minutes in the morning, three minutes at night to fill in a couple questions about the moments of the day and gratitude. Some week questions about life here and there but I've really come to enjoy it. Also has a good built up of information about the scientific research before starting the actual six minutes a day.


gypsy_muse t1_jdyfl1m wrote

Yes gratitude was the key word in that article


gerbileleventh t1_jdzjiox wrote

I’m a firm believer of this. I read about gratitude when things were quite hard on my side and I’m glad that even then I could find things to be grateful about. Now my life is exactly what I wished back then and instead of wishing for more or falling into the dangerous pitfalls of comparison, I just keep focusing on the good things I have going on my side.

Because I’m quite vocal about my gratitude, it’s been funny to sometimes see my partner also turn to me and say things like “ahhh, we are lucky! Look at how amazing our lives are!”

I bet a lot of people wouldn’t be that impressed, but we know where we come from and don’t take anything for granted.


EldraziKlap t1_jdxfcxn wrote

Thank you for this <3


TreatThompson OP t1_jdxifmh wrote

Glad it clicked with you! I’m happy so many people opened up to share the great in their lives


TreatThompson OP t1_jdwvmyk wrote


"Soooo many things
Getting or sending the ‘on my way’ text to hang with mates
Smoking a joint during golden hour, even better if it’s on a lake or in the mountains
Mountain biking, maybe not a small thing but whenever I feel down I just think about how I’m getting closer to being back on the trails and getting that crazy adrenaline rush"


“Reading. The feeling of being so engrossed in a good book that the entire universe disappears and you’re just in this amazing literary world. And the feeling when you finish, that you know you’re gonna pick that book up again and again.
-Seeing my bunnies in the morning, leaning over their enclosure, waiting for their favorite treats with their derpy moufs.
-The smell of the ocean and the warmth of sand between your toes. The sound of the crashing of waves against the surf.
-The first bite of a triangle slice of cake.
-The sight of bumblebees on a freshly bloomed flower.
-Listening to a song for the first time that you know is about to be a favorite.
-Crawling into bed with fresh sheets after a long day.
-The softness of new fuzzy socks.
I could go on for days. I have pretty severe depression, and sometimes I have to remind myself that these are the reasons I continue to keep fighting. They’re small but they mean everything”


"I have been in the midst of an existential crisis lately and struggling so much to prove (to myself) that my existence matters outside of the lives of my children, the small business that I work for, and my increasingly shrinking group of friends. I take care of my kids as best I can to provide them with a launch pad so they can go take on the world. But it seems like so often, my life is just about my job, paying the bills, and keeping the cupboards full and the lawn cut."


"I love my life. It is quiet. But I wish there was just a little bit more. Maybe that really is the key. Put in an honest day's work. Prepare a good meal. Enjoy that Marvel movie. Pet my dog. Make my kids feel safe and loved. Enjoying the little things. It is something for me to consider."


"OP thank you for this. I have struggled with suicidal depression well over half my life & recently have been backsliding again into the muck of it… thoughts like this really help. We can make our own lives have meaning through appreciating others’ beauty. If it weren’t for me, no one would be there to appreciate how silly my dog is, or how sweet a bird’s song sounds in that moment. I can use this kind of thinking more often. Again, thanks OP."


"1. Driving through the city streets at night with a date or friend after a fun night. Blasting music. Feeling as alive as the city. Feeling love for the city despite its messiness, loving its chaos.
2. The new iced cocoa drink I’ve been making.
3. Songs that feel so good it’s like they’re my soulmate, like I’ve known them forever, like they were made for me.
4. Hearing the laugh of the girl I’m crushing on. Also, making her laugh.
5. The unexpected moments when I feel fully myself. When I love everyone around me and accept everything. When life feels magical even if for just a few moments
Edit: thank you for posting this question, writing this answer reminded me of all these beautiful things”


“Snuggling into a comfortable bed with a book. Then that warm cozy feeling when you're drowsy and ready to go to dream land.
Sleeping is one of life's simple pleasures. If we are lucky we will spend about 1/3 of our lives in bed. It's well worth embracing and enjoying.
Also laughter, a good meal, petting a dog, a hug, a kiss, exercising til ya sweat, and swimming.”


"The joy I get when making something.
I’ve worked with legos, 3D printing, machining, and recently woodworking. Those moments where I can sit back, admire, and take pride in what I’ve just made with my hands makes my life worth living.
It also gets me to spend an insane amount on future projects."


"I came here to say candy corn but then I read the whole post and now it seems far too shallow. Coincidentally, I just finished reading that book again 2 weeks ago. I remember him telling about the imaginary conversations he had with his wife who he loved so much. He had no idea if she was still alive, but then decided it didn't matter anyway because the love he had for her still existed whether she was alive or not. Sometimes it's the memories and the feelings you have for them that can sustain you through many hardships. I think about standing in the Gulf of Mexico in 1996 bobbing up and down with the clear waves. I can hear the wind and birds and feel the hot sand on my feet. I taste the salt water. And I always got a beef Baja chalupa from TB on the drive home. I go back in my mind often and smile. Also...I buy candy corn every fall. That shits good."


"I totally get this. We literally take life for granted. Yes it can be shitty sometimes but it can be a beautiful thing. I appreciate it is easy for me to say that as although there are things in my life I am unhappy about, I do have a lot to be grateful for and I know that I am very fortunate compared to many others.
I often take time to take a step back and think about the things I am grateful for. I annoy my wife almost every day by holding squeezing her hand or cuddling her tight and saying one day we won't be able to do this anymore. She laughs it off and says "yeah yeah, I know", but it's true. I do think like that. Who knows what's round the corner. It maybe sounds quite depressing but it's a thought that scares me. The reality is none of us get out of this life alive, and I dread the day one of us is left. I say to her I hope I'm the first to go as I think you'd clearly cope better than me 😂
A nice drive is something I do too to reflect, listening to music on the way, driving to someone with a nice view, taking in nature and fresh air. Listening to others laughing and just people watching thinking to myself these people have their own lives going on that I have absolutely no idea about, but it reminds me that everyone does have their own things going on and their own problems.
It is a bit corny but it does help to feel better when you're feeling down."


"Getting a hug from my husband every day when I come home from work. Also when my dog is sleeping, wakes up to look at us, then flops his head back down like it’s too heavy to carry anymore and goes right back to sleep. My two favorite things in the world."


" Being married to my best friend and having the marriage/family I always dreamt about and never had.
Living in a very small town in the middle of a forest. Nothing my trees, fields and hills. (I grew up in Chicago so I can appreciate a town no one ever heard of out in the boonies)
Animals... seeing the squirrels play, or hearing the owl at night.
Smelling the forest every time I walk out (we have no neighbours across the street, just trees)
Good food and good friends.
The mountains and everything about them. My heart belongs to the Canadian rockies, but I love all of them.
There's so much to be grateful for. Even when it's tough ( I've had a panic disorder and depression on and off for 20 years) its the little things that will lift you up."


"Noticing someone's face light up when they see you."


warqueen24 t1_jdxlz1f wrote

Thanks for this OP, I’m in a pretty bad place in life rn mentally, but I want to get better ❤️‍🩹 and heal. This post was really great - it’s so easy to forget how beautiful life can be, there’s so much out there to see and do. Gratitude really is great, I want to start with it more myself.


TreatThompson OP t1_jdxo210 wrote

I’m so sorry to hear that, but I’m glad you’ve got the drive to heal—that is everything

Glad the post could connect with you the same way all of the contributors comments connected with me 😄

Wishing you the best!!


warqueen24 t1_jdxpi33 wrote

Thank you, I really appreciate it! I’ve started therapy and it’s going only so-so, afraid it won’t help. But I’m going to keep trying to make myself better. I feel I’m so behind but I’m also only 23, and I know if I start now least I’ll be in a better place even 5 years down the road. My fear is things not changing or getting better, but hope is a powerful thing so I’m trying to nurture and grow it rather than loose it.

Fear is an ugly thing, I’m trying to let go of it slowly bc it really holds you back. Countering it with hope helps, least I’m hoping it will XD

Thanks so much! 💜🔥

To inspiring and getting inspired ~


unikittisarus t1_jdyl0ws wrote

Hey there, I really resonated with your words. I'm a few years older than you and I struggle with bad anxiety and serious depression... I dropped out of school and couldn't barely get out of bed to go to the bathroom things were so bad. Decided soon after that I wanted more out of life. I just wanted to try my best (which didn't look the same from day to day or week to week) and start small. Just treating myself with kindness, grace, and care. I started that journey of self-love six years ago and now I graduate this year with a degree, I have a job I love and a great relationship. I still struggle a lot, but deciding I'm the only one who can change things for me was my starting place.

I don't know if this even helps or if it just is another corny ~it gets better~.. but for me it really did get better.. and I hope the same for you.

Sending love to you, stranger... you got this. We got this! <3


helihelicopter t1_jdzhi4c wrote

Life has been so good to me. Can always be better, but I had really almost forgotten that that was me too when I was fresh in university. Over 20 years ago. I went from top of my class to bottom, and dropped out, in one term. Life was just one big disillusionment, nothing made sense. I didn't want to be here. I didn't care about those who wanted to help. Things started changing when people close, who I looked up to, became friends. And I learned that people freaked out when you spend too much time around them and that I had to withdraw into my own world and things long before that could even start happening, got to leave them with a sense of curiosity, admiration wanting more. Like they do for you. Only very rarely do you meet soul mates who you really never can get too much of... And oh does it hurt when you thought that that's what it was, but it wasn't. In those times I also started a diary. Sometimes I got stuck in the echo chamber of my mind, that only other people could get me out. Other times I got to know myself. I wrote anything and everything I dreamt of, thought, wondered about, all the impossible things I thought weren't meant for me. One of the most surprising feelings in life is discovering those entries you forgot about, and realized that you had done all of that, without even thinking or knowing about it at the time. Life is mysterious and magical. Every moment a grace. It's clear to me now that nobody is better off or worse off, it's just how we feel about our current situation, and that's the hardest thing to see, accept and change. And just time is not enough.


mdlinc t1_jdxtnx1 wrote

I am grateful for your words. I too have been in a down space for some time. Let us each be kind to ourselves and this is a start. :)


warqueen24 t1_jdxtuvz wrote

Couldn’t agree more, loving ourselves more and being kinder to ourselves is one of the best things to do to heal 💜 that and being kind to others. I’m thinking of starting volunteering soon - excited to see how it shapes me :)


helihelicopter t1_jdzhmxk wrote

It's a start, but it's not enough. You're just one cell I'm an organism. The best people I know are the most troubled, and still looking for their organism. Of which an organization can just form a small part, if any at all!


Ridethepig81 t1_jdxm9n0 wrote

Thanks for this. I myself am trying to find purpose in my life at 31. Feel like I live for the weekends but I do make the most out of them. I try to appreciate the little things day to day as well to make my days count and not count my days.


TreatThompson OP t1_jdxomiv wrote

So awesome that you can appreciate the little things

I feel like it took me a while to get to that place

Not sure if this could help you, but I feel like I found projects that gave me purpose/meaning once I started letting myself be bored and started “taste testing” activities

I tried writing and it was for me, I tried piano not so much, I tried tennis and loved it, I tried programming and it wasn’t for me, I tried animation and now I’m hooked, etc.

Picking things up and having the freedom to put them down has helped me a lot 😄

Thanks for sharing!


mcarterphoto t1_jdxps1a wrote

IMO, "the meaning of life" is to experience as many moments of joy as possible - that doesn't come at others' expense. And in my experience, the thing that brings more moments of joy is leading others towards joy. Big things like helping out a sick friend, or little things like throwing a dinner, giving a compliment, holding the door for someone. You can attract joy, and grow joy around you.

I was in line at the convenience store the other day - girl in front of me checked out, and accidentally dropped a folded stack of cash on the floor and started to leave. No idea how much it was, but I grabbed it and said "hey, miss - " The look on her face - surprise, relief, the sort of pure shock that someone looked out for her over themselves, big eyes and a huge smile - that still makes me happy. And maybe it helped her want to make others have that look on their face, no idea. But probably.


WIBadgerFootball t1_jdxho53 wrote

My doctor “you won’t be running any marathons but other than that life should return to normal [foot surgery].”

✅ Challenge Accepeted!


TreatThompson OP t1_jdxispz wrote

Haha love your perspective!

Not sure if you’re familiar with Casey Neistat, but he broke his leg into a billion pieces and was told the same thing, and now runs like half a marathon every day

Good luck with recovery 😤😤😤


Tunezv7 t1_jdxham6 wrote

Wow, this was much needed.


TreatThompson OP t1_jdxikwx wrote

I felt the same way! Seeing everyone’s answers made me so grateful 😄


[deleted] t1_jdycui9 wrote

Cool post. So much better than vapid Instagram posters


helihelicopter t1_jdzi1jk wrote

Everything has its place. It's about being able to see things for what they are, rather than enforcing your view on others, and ironically, for that you are in part utterly and excessively dependent on others. But it's realizing that your own life looks the same as those you envy, or look down on, to someone out there. And that ultimately it doesn't matter, what matters... Is that what matters to you is not mattering to you because you think it's what others want you to have matter to you, but what really deep down inseparable from you, really matters to you as a matter of life and death, even after several false starts in finding it and realzing its not that. That's your calling... The reason you do everything you do, the reason you were born, the thing you chose this adventure of life for, all over again, again. Yes, sometimes we make up stories given the facts, retrospectively, to make thinga feel right. But why does that work in the first place? If you gradually became more powerful, so that you were an all powerful god that could create and be and have happen things at will, know everything, have everything always work out, once you bore of that, what will you crave? Maybe not knowing? Does that situation sound familiar?


infadibulum t1_jdyioey wrote

We as reddit are a reflection of the people that engage us.

If you come to us with good thoughts and good questions you will realise we are human just like you. This is why I love this platform. Contrary to what a lot of outsiders seem to think, anonymity doesn't turn people nasty, in fact it's more humbling when someone you don't know who has nothing to do with you wants to share deep and positive thoughts with you. I see so much toxic attitude on Facebook no matter where I look, and sure it is here too but it's so easy to avoid.


TreatThompson OP t1_jdyjdmi wrote

You’re definitely right

That’s been my entire experience over the past few years—what you put in is what u get out of it

I’ve had so many shockingly wholesome interactions


lunarsolstix t1_jdymht2 wrote

Saving this for the days I wanna quit and give up. Thank you for sharing


TreatThompson OP t1_jdyn7en wrote

Everyone’s contributions to the question has the same effect on me

Can’t help but notice all the little great things about my life

I’m glad the post resonated with you 😄


Exciting-Shirt-7114 t1_jdy4koh wrote

For me is laying in bed and coffee.


Exciting-Shirt-7114 t1_jdy4oqr wrote

I guess also wanting to explore the world. I don’t know if I can but, I guess the thought of thinking I will one day helps me.


TreatThompson OP t1_jdy6yti wrote

Haha 2 ends of the spectrum but both are great in their own ways 😄

Having that “thing” to strive for or look forward too always makes me happier and more driven


Babymonster09 t1_jdyaw6u wrote

Reading a book, praying, worshiping, hanguin out with friends and/or loved ones, a good cup of coffee, crafting or doing something artsy, walking through the city looking at buildings and going to new (or my favorite) restaurant(s) & trying new foods.


Darmcik t1_jdxmph1 wrote

i didnt read much

if u think reddit the wild wild west you shouldve seen the early 2000s internet that shit was disgusting


NightGod t1_jdyr5se wrote

Late-00s 4chan, before they started blocking things like child porn, was the definition of internet cesspool. Just the worst of humanity with no rules


IWentHam t1_jdyetwj wrote

Do you have a link to the original post?


JessTheGardener t1_jdzf89r wrote

I've spent years cultivating my entire Reddit feed to be nothing but wholesome, happiness, laughter and kindness (and lots and lots of cat subreddits) and it's made my entire online experience almost perfect.


taladrovw t1_jdzg7qx wrote

Im gonna need some of those subreddits please, lately ibe been weak and wasting too much time on useless posts but this little part that is happening here is why i come back everytime


localpunktrash t1_jdyvnbr wrote

This is the best gift mindfulness has given me. At any moment I can immerse myself in what I am doing, where I am, and find usually multiple things that I am enjoying or am grateful for. It’s made me happier than I ever thought I could be


JEREMIAH33RN t1_jdyun3p wrote

For me, a cup of chai tea. I may be having the most stressful day/moment, but a cup of tea, makes time slow down and whatever is weighing me down is almost non existent. From the first sip the last drop.


ALICE9969 t1_jdzeppb wrote

how lovely, what a great read!!


nofapnewbieman t1_jdygqlm wrote



helihelicopter t1_jdzikw4 wrote

It only matters if you're not getting enough. But it's a fine line... Too much and it'll never be the same again, no matter how many times you try. As with most things.


curiousbydesign t1_jdyjim6 wrote

My kitties. Wife's laughter. Feeding people. Helping people.


Soggy-Chemistry5312 t1_jdyqe7r wrote

This is kind of what I got out of the posts… that sometimes, you don’t know what good until it’s gone, and you don’t appreciate what could make you happy until you’ve felt true pain… kind of thing. It’s so important to be great full for the big and small things, even though it can be easy to forget or not even notice.


flannyo t1_jdyvhil wrote

Clickbait title, newsletter shill


Wayne_Grant t1_jdz7z4g wrote

I guess there really is truth in "the little things matter." Because I definitely feel the same thing. In my case, it would be just seeing nature around me flow and live like some kind of 4k HD film, except it's all real, complex, and working on their own. And I think that just takes me out of my world for just a moment


yorfedogd t1_jdzgl27 wrote

Find purpose in your life and appreciate fully what life offers.


helihelicopter t1_jdzipbo wrote

Life is about the small things. Relationships too. The big things you'll work on and get too... But don't let the big things blind you to the small. Well, life is about balance too...


DeathToBoredom t1_jdza0ik wrote

Finding out there are truly wonderful people out there in the world and that there are all kinds. I'm talking about Hololive. Just about everybody you see there are wonderful people; even the CEO. And that's saying something.

Was that a "little" thing? No, but it is something that keeps me going.

I wish I was an easy person to please or more like a person people can be comfortable around and have a good time. Hololive has been teaching me these things, so I'm learning to be a better person. I also have a very selfish side that I have to co-exist with to live a fulfilling life, so that's where I'm struggling. The conflict between the 2 and finding the middle ground, then building the foundation.

After that wall of text, I've figured some small things that keep me going... My cup of milk tea in the morning, a long shower... Funny and cute content (anime girls and cats).

From what you and other people are saying, I think the simpler the "what keeps you going" the happier you are likely to be as a person.

While I have a long list of things. If it takes so much to keep me going, can I truly be happy? Needing too many things to keep going is high maintenance. High maintenance makes me fall apart.

The only good thing to take away from my comment is that there are truly many things in this world that can make one happy or keep them going. I've got to work hard... Gotta keep going.