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RavenDMidnight t1_jeat8gz wrote

There are people that struggle with moving forward during hard times, because it's easier to do what they've been doing. People get comfortable where they are, because it's working for them.

I got comfortable at my job for 3 years, cause i had rent money, play money, and a good schedule. That job was taking too much out of me mentally, though. I didn't want to move away from it, cause the pay was comfy and i didn't know if I'd find something as good for as easy. I finally had enough and moved on and found something that i enjoy with same pay.

As someone else mentioned, playing games instead of studying is another thing, as someone may not feel the need to do outstanding in order to get something better in life.

Another example is playing games or watching shows, instead of going out more or exercising.

Basically it's the things that you are capable of doing and you tell yourself to do or desire to do, but you don't do them, because you don't know what happens next or how to go about it. You get complacent or as this is saying, comfortable.


ttystikk t1_jeay2qo wrote

This is solid commentary, worthy of deeper thought.

After a long period of wandering in the woods of depression, I've recently started climbing again. It isn't comfortable and it isn't easy but it IS a lot more fulfilling.