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jedidoesit t1_jeaw4kb wrote

It means different things to different people. Whatever your vice is or your big temptation or wherever you lack impulse control, don't let those things get in the way of your goals or needs.

Someone said that discipline is when what you want most is more important than what you want now.

Something like that anyhow. 😎


ttystikk t1_jeaydgh wrote

>Someone said that discipline is when what you want most is more important than what you want now.

This is much better advice than the OP.


SandBoxKing t1_jebohym wrote

Except that's not discipline and will make people feel like shit when they fall short of their goals. Discipline is a muscle and takes work. Use whatever you need to motivate you but you aren't going to lift a car because that's "what you want most" lol.