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t1_isjlint wrote

No. Some random ass saying that making your bed good has no bearing on if making my bed has any value to me.


t1_isjn9t0 wrote

Spoiler alert; it does not. Ive always questioned why “making your bed” is a thing; youre just going to get back into it that night. Sure, I “make it” when I change the sheets, but daily? Nah…


t1_isjrwoa wrote

I was reading a “house making” guide from the 50s once. It suggested that you leave the bed unmade for a while and open the windows. The airflow makes sure the inner sheets completely dry before making the bed. If instead you make the bed immediately, all that sweat from the night before will stay trapped and be less sanitary the next time you use it.

I choose to just let stay unmade and air out all day.


t1_isjwpnu wrote

People back then, as bigoted as they were, were super pragmatic... A lot of cooking/housekeeping/work practice stuff from that age is fucking gold.


t1_isjx5gh wrote

Very true. And as much as I don’t like forced gender roles from that era, being able to afford having 1 person taking care of the home allows a lot of extra care into these things.


t1_isjy0xy wrote

Oh for sure the dynamic of the slaved homemaker isn't great, but there no reason we can't learn from what those people did successfully and efficiently to replicate it now, regardless of your gender!

We stand on the shoulders of those before us, even if they didn't want to carry anyone...


t1_isk603w wrote

I read it more as a metaphor for doing little things step by step not GOING BIG directly


t1_isju56v wrote

"The little things in life matter. If you can't do the little things right, you'll never be able to do the big things right" - This is incredibly accurate and you shouldn't be so quick to disregard it.


t1_isjwbfx wrote

Hasn't been accurate for me. Being able to not spend 10 minutes making something I'm going to immediately unmake next time I use it and instead using that to read my AC/DC Fundamentals for my Mechatronics Engineering course has proven to be SUBSTANTIALLY more effective at bringing me success recently...

You act like there's NOTHING you could be doing in substitution, and that the person is going to be sitting there staring at a wall because they aren't making their bed. The bed has nothing to do with it, it's being productive with your time.


t1_isjwb8i wrote

I don’t agree. There are just so many little things in life. You absolutely can accomplish big things in life by focusing on the little things that matter and letting the less important ones slide.


t1_isjw7f2 wrote

Ah yes. A USA Admiral is a random ass to some random ass redditor. Smh


t1_isjwycv wrote

Weird to suggest they use reddit... I watched the video, and regardless of who/what he is, he's still one of 8 billion people. I don't give a fuck what he thinks.


t1_isjxzpg wrote

You are the random ass redditor. Not him. Dont get me wrong here lmao


t1_isk03b4 wrote

I am also a random ass redditor who can decide for myself what's best for me. That's the point.