
Evipicc t1_jee79u8 wrote

This is the take that drives me fucking insane...

We're not just going to roll over and AI just overtakes the world... That's not how this is going to work. We have ChatGPT that hired a person to beat a captcha and that TERRIFIED many top level AI developers and now there's this proposed moratorium until we discuss as a species how to move forward. Seriously, people think we're just going to attach AI to the nukes and end the world? Fear mongering and problem-focused thinking does nothing but stifle progression. If there's a problem, we fucking SOLVE IT. That's what we do.



Evipicc t1_jee5zx2 wrote

If we can eradicate the concept of currency and status/class shortly after the imminent reduction of all labor and work through automation we'll be fine. Unfortunately all of the people with currency and status are the ones that control policy.

Frankly I think we'll get to the point where the rich have all the resources and the poor begin to starve, and there will be some... rapid and violent changes. Hopefully the world survives that change.


Evipicc t1_jdze8ei wrote

Mechatronics/Automation tech has a 100% job placement in my area, also the degree I'm pursuing. Look at placement numbers from your local universities.

I think you already know philosophy isn't going to pay the bills.


Evipicc t1_jcxqrbn wrote

You're right-wrong.

There are fewer pressures for survival which caused great stress, that is correct. In that regard we have made life easier PHYSICALLY. There are also massive societal and moral pressures now, which didn't used to exist, and our lizard "Fight-Fly-Freeze" brains can't handle the complexity of that, so anxiety results because we feel like there's a threat, but it's only someone societal or moral and we can't simply fight or run. This made life much HARDER mentally. We shifted the burden from what we weren't good at to what we were, from our bodies to our brains. As a species it's the right course of evolution, a creature can continue to procreate regardless of how ridden with mental illness it is...


Evipicc t1_jcu1895 wrote

So that's where people are limiting themselves with their lack of imaginations. Any instruction you can think of, it will attempt to follow.


You can also tell it to write dialogue between two characters and give context information. You can tell it to describe a setting. Basically anything you could ask a person to come up with on the spot it can do.

I use it not as an absolute truth, but instead a starting point for whatever I'm doing.