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the_lamper t1_iwg4jen wrote

I am not sure the comic has the right vibe for r/GetMotivated, but I am in it and I don't like it. Thanks for the laugh.


-O-0-0-O- t1_iwgyw2j wrote

Maybe it's an age/era thing?

I personally find a stitch of negativity and caution more motivating that "everyone can do it together" sometimes, I was born in the early 80s and grew up with Calvin & Hobbes


Beginning_Pudding_69 t1_iwhx6wx wrote

Early 90s and these books were cherished growing up. I actually got the collectible set for Xmas years ago but haven’t read them. Might just read them tonight! I bet they’ll hit home even more as an adult.


Solid_Neighborhood45 t1_iwhy4ua wrote

I love me some 80s cynicism. This comic is also meaningful in juxtaposition with Watterson's life; he wrote C&H with uncommon zeal, on an extremely rigid schedule. He worked hard to create meaning for his life


Vicar_Emilio t1_iwjdy7o wrote

I think it works because it comes off as more sincere. I feel it is more a commiseration than someone trying to make me feel better when I don't feel good at all.


-O-0-0-O- t1_iwjxp20 wrote

"There ain't nothing like a friend who can tell you you're just pissing in the wind"


snackynorph t1_iwh1dw3 wrote

I love the way he animates the TV by making it jump off the freaking table. If nothing else that's getting me motivated


Valerian_ t1_iwh3su5 wrote

I'm quite sure I will keep that vibe until the end of my life, as I had for almost 4 decades.


anonyfool t1_iwhnay7 wrote

The next panel

Hobbes rolls his eyes and says "I hope you're comfy"

Calvin says "You could get me something to eat."


azoundria2 t1_iwhdqg6 wrote

>but I am in it and I don't like it

What does this mean?


sydneydanger t1_iwhjcan wrote

It originated as a phrase that was used when flagging facebook photos, when you select a reason one of the options is “I’m in this photo and I don’t like it”. It turned into a meme for when people see something that represents them and they’re not proud of it — in this case they’re Calvin on the loveseat but they’d rather not be.


logicbecauseyes t1_iwhfphl wrote

if you're in it, get motivated to change. your life doesn't have to be the butt of a joke

at least that's my take for why it's here. you do you boo